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Co. C, 11th Infantry Regiment. "Murray Rifle Company"

Murray COUNTY GA Co C 11th Regimnet

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Dave Bright



    Luffman, William - Captain July 3, 1861. Elected Major Jan. 27, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel May 26, 1862. Severely wounded in right hip near Wilderness, Va. Aug. 25, 1864. Examined by Medical Board Mar. 1865 and Board declined to recommend retirement to Invalid Corps.

    Jackson, Eppy W. - 1st Lieutenant July 3, 1861. Elected Captain Jan. 27, 1862. Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862.

    Newton, Benjamin H. - 2d Lieutenant July 3, 1861. Appointed Adjutant July 3, 1861. Wounded in hip. Resigned, disability, June 30, 1862. Appointed Enrolling Officer, 7th District Georgia Station, Griffin, Ga. June 13, 1864.

    Ramsey, William H. - Jr. 2d Lieutenant July 3, 1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant June 30, 1862; Captain June 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Sloan, F. P. - 1st Sergeant July 3, 1861. Discharged, disability, at Camp Bartow, near Manassas, Va. Aug. 27, 1861.

    Peeples, William Jasper - 2d Sergeant July 3, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant Jan. 27, 1862; 2d Lieutenant Sept. 9, 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Elected 1st Lieutenant July 3, 1863. Severely wounded in leg at Fort Harrison, Va. Sept. 6, 1864. No later record. (Born in Cherokee County, Ga. In 1834.)

    Hurt, Joseph P. - 3d Sergeant July 3, 1861. Elected 2d Lieutenant Jan. 28, 1862; 1st Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863.

    Burnett, James B. - 4th Sergeant July 3, 1861. Appointed 1st Sergeant Aug. 27, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant Sept. 9, 1862. Died July 18, 1863.

    McNabb, William - 1st Corporal July 3, 1861. Wounded through left hip at Malvern Hill, Va. July 1, 1862. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864. (Resident of Georgia since Dec. 1, 1847.)

    Howell, Cicero - 2d Corporal July 3, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant July 18, 1863. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. Dec. 5, 1863. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 10, 1865. Smith, G. B. - 2d Corporal Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded at Rappahannock, Va. Aug. 23, 1862. Appointed 4th Sergeant. Wounded at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864, and sent to General Hospital. No later record.

    Ramsey, A. Knox - 3d Corporal July 3, 1861. Appointed 2d Corporal. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant of Co. D, 22d Regt. Ga. Inf. Oct. 20, 1862; 1st Lieutenant July 2, 1863. Wounded through hip and permanently disabled at Deep Bottom, Va. Aug. 16, 1864. Absent without leave Sept.- Dec. 1864. On wounded furlough close of war. (Born in Ga. Feb. 15, 1841. Died at Ramsey, Ga. Apr. 22, 1906.)

    Tucker, Joseph M. - 4th Corporal July 3, 1861. Deserted to enemy May 8, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. June 10, 1864.

    Griffin, Allen - Fifer July 3, 1861. Discharged, disability, at Camp Sam Jones near Centerville, Va. Feb. 5, 1862.
    Abbott, Matthew Deen - Private July 3, 1861. Discharged on account of contraction of muscles of left arm, contracted in the army, Sept. 28, 1862.

    Adair, V. B. - Private July 3, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Adams, George G. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 5, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout, Md. Feb. 18, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va. for exchange, Feb. 20-21, 1865. No later record.

    Adams, John R. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 3d Sergeant Jan. 28, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Died from wounds Sept. 2, 1862.

    Adams, N. L. - Private Mar. 17, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Adams, Rufus B. - Private July 3, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Bagwell, A. C. - Private July 3, 1861. Deserted Feb. 23, 1864.

    Bagwell, A. J. - Private July 2, 1862. Deserted Oct. 9, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Knoxville, Tenn. and released.

    Ballew, Jacob - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 2d Corporal Jan. 27, 1862. Wounded in hand, necessitating amputation of two fingers, at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Barnett, Alfred J. G. - Private Mar. 15, 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Barnett, S. L. - Private July 3, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Barnett, Thomas A. R. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Died from wounds Sept. 14, 1862.

    Bishop, Amos - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Deserted Feb 26, 1864.

    Bishop, James M. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. Feb. 18, 1864. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. May 1865.

    Bishop, Jesse M. B. - Private Mar. 25, 1862. Died of disease in General Hospital at Richmond, Va. Apr. 26, 1862.

    Bramblet, Nathan (or Bramlett) - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va., Aug. 30, 1862, and died there from wounds Sept. 5, 1862.

    Brindle, John B. - Private July 3, 1861. Appears last on roll for Feb. 1862, with remark: "Absent, sick in hospital."

    Brison, James L. - Private July 5, 1861. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Brison, William C. - Private July 5, 1861. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Brooks, John W. - Private July 3, 1861. Confederate records show he deserted to enemy Mar. 5, 1864. Union records show he was captured at Sweetwater, Ga. July 1, 1864. Died of smallpox near Camp Douglas, Ill. Dec. 19, 1864.

    Brown, Oliver - Private July 3, 1861. Captured near Dalton, Ga. Apr. 3, 1865. Released at Camp Chase, O. June 10, 1865.

    Burgin, J. B. (of Burgan) - Enlisted as a private in Co. E, 10th Regt. Ga. State Troops Dec. 16, 1861. Enlisted as a private in Co. C, 11th Regt. Ga. Inf. Mar. 1, 1862. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Burtashaw, J. F. M. (or Butreshaw) - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 2d Sergeant Jan. 27, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865. Camp, Elias - Private July 3, 1861. Died of diarrhea in Chimborazo Hospital #1, at Richmond, Va. May 25, 1862.

    Cantrell, L. K. - Private Nov. 19, 1863. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Carder, John L. - Private July 3, 1861. Died Dec. 5, 1862.

    Carder, Kimsey - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded in right wrist and left shoulder in 1864. In General Hospital July-Aug. 1864. Pension records show he was at home on wounded furlough close of war. Paroled at Kingston, Ga. May 12, 1865. (Born in Murray County, Ga. June 20, 1836. Died in Whitfield County, Ga. June 21, 1915.)

    Carroll, E. - Private Dec. 16, 1862. Deserted. Cleveland, William - Private July 3, 1861. Died of typhoid pneumonia at Charlottesville, Va. May 13, 1862. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery.

    Cole, Adolphus E. (or Dolph E.) - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Killed at Campbell Station, Tenn. Nov. 16, 1863.

    Coleman, Jeremiah - Private Aug. 4, 1862. Discharged, disability, Aug. 23, 1863.

    Crawford, B. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded, left thigh broken, and permanently disabled at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863, and captured there July 5, 1863. Transferred to City Point, Va. and received at James River, Va. for exchange Nov. 17, 1863. No later record.

    Cross, Franklin - Private July 3, 1861. Appears last on roll for Feb. 28, 1862.

    Cross, John W. - Private July 3, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Doyle, Simon - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Duncan, A. - Private Mar. 1, 1863. Deserted to enemy Sept. 8, 1863.

    Edmondson, Thomas Polk - Private July 3, 1861. Detailed on recruiting service Feb. 7, 1862. No later record.

    Ellerd, James M. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded in arm, necessitating amputation above elbow, at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Captured at Tilton, Ga. May 14, 1864. Paroled at Camp Morton, Ind. And forwarded to Point Lookout, Md. Mar. 10, 1865. No later record.

    Ellerd, Jeptha - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 3d Sergeant Sept. 2, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Ellis, Lawson W. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Wounded in arm, necessitating amputation, and captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Paroled at DeCamp General Hospital, David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, Aug. 24, 1863. Received at City Point, Va. for exchange Aug. 28, 1863. Died at Eton, Ga. Mar. 30, 1922. (Born in Georgia.)

    Fields, Joseph I. - Private July 3, 1861. Sent to General Hospital Feb. 27, 1862. No later record.

    Graves, William J. - Private July 3, 1861. Discharged, disability, Aug. 23, 1864.

    Greer, John J. (or Grier) - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Died in Ferguson's Hospital Aug. 25, 1863. Buried in Confederate Cemetery at Lynchburg, Va. No. 7, 4th Line, Lot 196.

    Greer, Joseph (of Grier) - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Griffin, David M. - Private July 3, 1861. Killed in Virginia Aug. 25, 1864.

    Griffin, Stephen - Private July 3, 1861. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Hall, Drury F. - Private July 3, 1861. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Hall, Robert L. - Private July 3, 1861. Died in General Hospital Apr. 1862.

    Hampton, James R. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 4, 1863. Exchanged at City Point, Va. Sept. 23, 1863. Deserted to enemy Apr. 1, 1864.

    Harrison, D. W. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 1st Corporal Feb. 26, 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Hartley, P. W. - Private Jan. 23, 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Hawks, Wiley T. - Private Sept. 10, 1861. Died at Camp Sam Jones near Centreville, Va. Jan. 25, 1862.

    Head, Francis L. - Private Dec. 31, 1861. Substitute for D. Taliaferro. Transferred to Co. G, Jan. 1, 1862. Died of camp fever Feb. 5, 1862.

    Hembree, Andrew J. (of Hembry) - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 5, 1863. Transferred from Fort Delaware, Del. to Point Lookout, Md. for exchange. Deserted Jan. 18, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. Apr. 16, 1864.

    Hembree, Francis M. (or Hembry) - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Died of pneumonia in Lynchburg, Va. hospital July 10, 1862. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery. No. 10, 5th Line, Lot 161.

    Hembree, James M. (or Hembry) - Private July 3, 1861. Discharged, disability, Nov. 18, 1861.

    Henderson, J. R. - Private Apr. 29, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862; Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, wounded. No later record.

    Henderson, P. - Private Mar. 20, 1862. Sick in General Hospital Dec. 1863. No later record.

    Hooper, James A. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. June 27, 1865.

    Hooper, John F. - Private Jan. 20, 1864. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va. Apr. 14, 1865.

    Hooper, W. W. - Private Nov. 18, 1863. Absent without leave from Aug. 20, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky., and released to remain north of Ohio River during war, Mar. 8, 1865.

    Horn, F. M. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Appears last on roll for Feb. 1862.

    Hosey, B. - Private Mar. 25, 1862. Discharged at Richmond, Va. July 15, 1862.

    Howell, P. C. - Private July 3, 1861. Died of disease in General Hospital at Richmond, Va. July 2, 1862.

    Humphries, David E. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 9, 1862. Elected 2d Lieutenant July 3, 1863. Wounded Aug. 25, 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Jenkins, David - Private July 3, 1861. Discharged, disability, July 12, 1864.

    Johnson, Albert O. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded. Leg amputated in General Hospital at Camp Winder, Richmond, Va. Nov. 18, 1863. Paid monthly pay to Feb. 29, 1864.

    Johnson, John Randolph - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded in hip at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864. No later record.

    Latch, John H. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded through lungs and captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863, and died there from wounds July 22, 1863.

    Leonard, Benjamin F. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa, July 3, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., enlisted in U. S. 3d Maryland Cavalry, and discharged at Fort Delaware, Del. Sept. 7, 1863.

    Loggins, J. B. - Private July 3, 1861. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, detailed government shoemaker, Dec. 17, 1862. No later record.

    Looney, I. W. - Private. Died at Lynchburg, Va. Feb. 13, 1863. No. 1, 5th Line, Lot 195 - Langhorn's.

    Looney, Josephus - Private July 3, 1861. Sick in General Hospital Dec. 1862. No later record.

    Loughridge, James - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Captured at Chester Gap, Va. July 23, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout, Md. And transferred to Aiken's Landing, Va. for exchange Feb. 24, 1865. No later record.

    Loughridge, William (or Lotheridge) - Private July 3, 1861.

    Luffman, John - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Died in Medical College at Richmond, Va. May 15, 1862. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery.

    Martin, J. - Private July 1, 1861. Wounded Oct. 16, 1862. Absent, wounded, Jan. 1863. No later record.

    Martin, Solomon B. - Private July 2, 1863. Wounded Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Martin, Van Buren - Private July 3, 1861, Wounded at Rappahannock, Va. Aug. 23, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863.

    McDonald, Andrew J. - Private July 3, 1861. Killed at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864.

    McDonald, George W. - Private July 3, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    McDonald, Virgil A. - Private July 3, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863. Died at Point Lookout, Md. Jan. 31, 1865.

    Miller, J. H. - Private Feb. 20, 1863. Absent without leave Feb. 7-Aug. 31, 1864. No later record.

    Morrissett, Robert - Private Mar. 17, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Moss, W. G. - Private. Discharged, at Richmond, Va. July 15, 1862.

    Mulkey, D. - Private Mar. 25, 1862. Died in General Hospital at Richmond, Va. July 5, 1862. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery.

    Nations, J. K. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Absent without leave Sept. 19, 1864. No later record.

    Neal, Arthur E. - Private July 3, 1861. Deserted Feb. 16, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. Apr. 16, 1864.

    Oliver, John - Private July 3, 1861. Died of disease in General Hospital July 10, 1862.

    Paliot, E. H. - Private Mar. 17, 1862. Captured Jan. 3, 1864.

    Parker, Benjamin - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Deserted Nov. 5, 1862.

    Phipps, William - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864.

    Reid, Andrew J. - Enlisted as a private in Co. C, 3d Regt. Tennessee Inf. May 16, 1861. Transferred to Co. C, 11th Regt. Ga. Inf. Dec. 17, 1862. In General Hospital Aug. 31, 1864. No later record.

    Reid, W. J. - Private Mar. 17, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Robbins, Jacob J. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded and permanently disabled at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Captured and paroled at Warrenton, Va. Sept. 29, 1862. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, permanently disabled. No later record.

    Rogers, James L. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Musician in 1861. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, detailed Govt. shoemaker Mar. 1, 1863. No later record.

    Roper, Martin V. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Absent, wounded, Jan. 1863. No later record.

    Ryder, G. W. - Private Mar. 25, 1862. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Ryder, James - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

    Scott, Pleasant - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Deserted Aug. 29, 1863. Captured in Murray County, Ga. in 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky. And released Dec. 28, 1863.

    Shannon, George - Private Apr. 1, 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863, and captured there July 5, 1863. Transferred from Wests' Bldgs. Hospital at Baltimore, Md. To City Point, Va. Nov. 12, 1863, and received there Nov. 17, 1863. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent without leave since Apr. 1, 1864. No later record.

    Shannon, Robert - Private Apr. 12, 1862. Captured in Hampshire County, (?) Va. Aug. 10, 1863. Enlisted in U. S. Navy at Rock Island, Ill. and transferred to Naval Rendezvous at Camp Douglas, Ill. Jan. 25, 1864.

    Shannon, William - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 5, 1863. Leg amputated. Transferred from Wests' Bldgs. Hospital at Baltimore, Md. To City Point, Va. Nov. 12, 1863, and received there Nov. 17, 1863. Roll for Aug. 30, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, wounded.

    Sheman, H. (or Shuman) - Private Mar. 25, 1862. No later record.

    Shields, George W. - Private July 5, 1861. Discharged at Richmond, Va. July 15, 1862.

    Skelton, Francis M. - Private July 3, 1861. Discharged at Orange Court House, Va. Apr. 6, 1862.

    Smith, J. R. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded at Malvern Hill, Va. July 1, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal May 8, 1864. Roll for Aug. 30, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

    Sparks, James M. - Private July 3, 1861. Died of pneumonia t Camp Sam Jones, near Centreville, Va. Jan. 26, 1862.

    Springfield, J. B. - Private May 22, 1862. Appointed 5th Sergeant. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Springfield, T. J. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Springfield, W. I. - Private July 3, 1861.

    Stephens, Henry G. (or Henry D.) - Private May 12, 1862. Deserted Apr. 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. Apr. 22, 1864.

    Stephens, James F. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862, and sent to General Hospital. No later record.

    Stepp, R. J. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Quartermaster Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. Apr. 9, 1865.

    Stratton, J. W. C. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Discharged, disability, at Richmond, Va. July 1, 1862.

    Strawn, David A. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1861. Paid bounty Oct. 6, 1862. No later record.

    Taliaferro, Dickerson - Private July 5, 1861. Discharged, furnished F. L. Head as substitute, Dec. 31, 1861.

    Taylor, Daniel - Private Oct. 21, 1861. Sent to General Hospital Feb. 27, 1862. No later record.

    Taylor, William - Private Mar. 25, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, 39th Regt. Ga. Inf. Dec. 1, 1863. Captured at Resaca, Ga. May 16, 1864. Sent to Nashville, Tenn. May 21, 1864; to Louisville, Ky. May 22, 1864; to Alton, Ill. May 25, 1864; to Rock Island, Ill. Dec. 8, 1864. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md. for exchange Feb. 15, 1865. No later record. (Died at Milledgeville, Ga. Feb. 7, 1901.)

    Terry, G. W. - Private Mar. 1, 1862. Wounded at 2d Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Captured Oct. 1863. No later record.

    Thomas, William C. - Private July 3, 1861. Appointed Corporal Dec. 1, 1862; Sergeant. Appears last on roll for Apr. 1864.

    Walker, Benjamin H. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Va. Aug. 30, 1862. Died from wounds Sept. 2, 1862.

    Williams, George W. - Private July 3, 1861. Died of disease in camp near Fairfax, Va. Sept. 22, 1861.

    Witzeld, D. K. - Private July 3, 1861. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863, and captured there July 5, 1863. Paroled at DeCamp General Hospital, David's Island, N. Y. Harbor in 1863. Received at City Point, Va. for exchange Sept. 8, 1863. Roll for Aug. 30, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

    Woodard, John S. - Private May 6, 1862. Deserted to enemy Apr. 28, 1864.

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