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Murray Men in the Korean War

Japan ruled the entire Korean peninsula from 1910 until they surrendered at the end of World War II. The peninsula was then divided along the 38th Parallel. Soviet troops occupied the northern part and the United States the southern.

Free elections were supposed to be held in 1948. This did not happen. Two Koreas continued to exist.

On June 25, 1950, troops from North Korea invaded South Korea.

The United Nations passed UN Resolution 84 and many nations sent troops to join the counter-offensive that pushed the North Koreans back, well past the 38th Parallel. Almost immediately troops from the People's Republic of China entered the war, siding with North Korea. The Soviet Union aided both North Korea and China materially.

North Korea lost some 215,000 troops in combat; China lost 183,000; and the Soviet Union lost 282 military personnel. Civilian deaths were estimated at more than 1.5 million in North Korea.

Nations providing troops to the UN included South Korea; the United States; the United Kingdom; Australia; Belgium; Canada; Columbia; Ethiopia; France; Greece; Netherlands; New Zealand; Philippines; South Africa; Thailand; and Turkey.

South Korea reported some 138,000 killed in action. The United States had nearly 37,000 die in that conflict. By comparison other countries lost few in combat: Turkey - 721; Canada - 516; Australia - 339; France - 300; Greece - 194; Columbia 163; Thailand - 129; Netherlands - 123; Philippines - 112; and Belgium - 101.

South Korea reported that more than 373,000 civilians died in the conflict.

Technically the war ended with the signing of an armistice July 27, 1953. This created a demilitarized zone (DMZ), a two-and-a-half mile wide buffer zone separating the two Koreas near the 38th Parallel.

American troops have remained in South Korea in substantial numbers for more than half a century.


Thomas Eugene Anderson was born April 30, 1930, and he entered the military from Murray County, Georgia. He was called Gene.

Betty Hampton recalls that Gene's mother had been Louise Poteet. No one at that time was able to provide the name of Gene's father.

Betty also said that Gene had married Ida Mae Williams and the couple lived in Chatsworth.

Military records at the National Archives listed this man as Thomas E. Anderson, born in 1930, who enlisted as a Private, U.S. Army. His service number was RA14256375. He listed his residence as Murray County, Georgia. His occupation code was 04745, Light Weapons Infantryman. Anderson was assigned to the 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division.

On April 20, 1951, Private Anderson was killed in action while engaged in combat in North Korea. This document indicates that his body was recovered but lists the place of burial as unknown.

Paul Ross, in January 2012, identified a nephew of Gene's and put him in touch with the museum. This nephew, Willie Ponders, Jr., has provided substantial new information regarding Gene Anderson.

Even though Willie said that Gene's dad was Stanley Anderson, from Maryville, Tennessee, he has not been found in the 1930 Census–in either Tennessee or Georgia. And no Census record could be found anywhere in the United States for Thomas Eugene Anderson, born in 1930, about 2 months before the Census was taken. All possible variations of Gene's name were searched.

Willie said that Gene had two sisters. Blanche Anderson married a man named Webb. Betty Jo Anderson married a man named Willie Ponders; She was Willie, Jr.'s mother.

Willie also sent copies of several documents from the Army to the museum. One was a letter dated May 31, 1951, addressed to James David Poteet and Louise H. Poteet, of Chatsworth, informing them of the death of their son, Private Thomas E. Anderson, who was killed in action on April 20, 1951, in Korea. The family had previously been notified that their son was missing in action.

That letter to Gene's mother and step-father stated that a telegram had been sent to Mrs. Ida M. Anderson, wife of Gene. Willie said that Gene and Ida had no children.

Willie also had information from the Army indicating that Gene had been killed in Kalmal-Myou, North Korea. He said that his father (Willie, Sr.) had told him that the Army had told him that members of Gene's military unit had been parachuting into North Korea when the enemy opened fire on them, killing Gene instantly. His body was recovered and returned to the United States.

In Chatsworth Heights Cemetery there is a military grave marker: Thomas E. Anderson, March 30l, 1930 - April 20, 1951. Korea. His wife later married a Manley. She is buried in the same plot as Gene. Her stone reads: Ida Mae Manley, 1925-1962.

Willie also provided a picture of Gene in uniform and one of his grave. Thanks.

Korean War

Korean War

Charles Otis Brown was born in Murray County, Georgia in 1930. Charles was born after the 1930 was taken. That Census found his parents and three children in the household living in the Ball Ground area of Murray County. Census listed Charlie Brown, age 30; Mary Brown, age 28; James Brown, age 8; Gertrude Brown, age 5; and Dorris Brown, age 2.

James Winston Brown, a brother to the dead soldier, provided additional information about his parents and siblings. He said the father's name was Charlie Allen Brown and their mother had been Ida Mae (Guess) Brown. Two of the girls, Henrietta and Garetta, died very young. Those born after the 1930 Census were Charles O; Betty; Peggy Loretta; Edward Holmes; and Shirley Sue Brown. Winston also said that he was sure that all of the children had been born at the same homeplace. Their father was born in 1900 and their mother was born in 1901. He also said that Gertrude had married a man named Thomason, Doris married a Jones; and Betty married a Bunch. He said that Edward Holmes Brown had also served in Korea.

National Archives has military records listing this man as Charles O. Brown, service number RA14312705. His occupation code was 00014 Automotive Mechanic, 2nd Echelon. He was born in 1930 and entered the service from Murray County, Georgia. He was assigned to the 34th Infantry, 24th Division. These documents indicate that Pfc. Brown was captured by North Korean forces on July 20, 1950. The document listed his a hostile death. The Army declared him officially dead on December 31, 1950.

Winston also said that his brother's body had not been recovered from North Korea but that the Department of Defense told the family that they thought they knew where his body was buried. DOD took DNA samples from Winston and one of his sisters, saying they would keep it on file in order to make a positive identification of Charles' remains should the North Koreans ever permit further excavation of suspected American graves there.

Korean War

Curtis Johnson Davenport was born in 1932 in Oakman, Georgia. He was the son of Herbert and Willie (Holbert) Davenport. Their children were Clarence, Lois, Curtis, James, Raymonds, Roy, and Bobby Gene.

Paternal grandparents were John and Sally (Nelson) Davenport. Maternal grandparents were Willard and Willie Amazella (Reed) Holbert.

Curtis attended school at Oakman, then Fairmount High School.

His military records appear to have been intermingled with those of another soldier named Curtis Davenport from Ohio.

The soldier from Georgia attained the rank of Corporal and was serving with Battery B, 38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division when he was killed in action, November 30, 1950, in North Korea. His remains were not recovered. His name is included on a monument in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The Department of Defense collected DNA samples from Bobby and Raymond, telling the family that these would be kept on file in case a body thought to be that of Curtis Davenport should ever be found.

Korean War

Korean War

Noel Leonard Fouts was born in 1921 in Alaculsa Valley, Murray County, Georgia. The Census of 1930 listed his family as Noel F. Fouts, age 44; Rossie E. Fouts, age 28; Richard C. Fouts, age 11; Noel L. Fouts, age 9; Mildred M. Fouts, age 7; William B. Fouts, age 2; Nell Fouts, age 2; and Claud L. Fouts, age 6 months. All of these had been born in Georgia, probably the same valley because the family is known to have lived there since the 1830s.

Leonard's sister, Mary Nell, now Mrs. G. C. Terry, provided other family details. She provided full names for the family and said that every one of them was called by his or her middle name. Dad was Noel Frank; mother was Rossie Elizabeth (maiden name Beavers); Richard Columbus; Noel Leonard; Mildred Myrtice; William Bert; Mary Nell; and Claud Lee Fouts. She confirmed that she and Bert were twins. Mary Nell also said that her mother had died in 1935, her dad remarried and lived until 1973. Grandparents were Richard and Roxanna (Ledford) Fouts and Dave and Temperance (Ridley) Beavers.

Mary Nell shared two remembrances of Leonard as a child. An adult visitor once said to Leonard, "Buddy, I want to tell you something but you have to promise me to keep it secret. You can't tell anybody." Leonard, eager to learn the secret, blurted out "Oh, I don't tell nobody nothing. Heck, I ain't never told nobody about Daddy making moonshine."

She also related how that Leonard and a brother were walking along the creek bank after a rain and the slopes were very slippery. Leonard slipped and fell into the swollen creek. His brother ran to fetch their dad. When the dad saw that Leonard had washed down the creek and was on the opposite side, he jumped in, pulled Leonard from the water, and tried to force out some of the water the boy had swallowed. Once Leonard was sufficiently recovered to speak, the first words out of his very young mouth were "Could I have a drink of liquor?"

Leonard's enlistment form was found in the National Archives. It listed his name as Noel Leonard Fouts, listed his birth year as 1920, and included his service number: RA14041181. He enlisted as a Pfc., which means that he had served before. It gave his occupation code as 04745, Light Weapons Infantryman. He enlisted from Murray County, Georgia. He was a member of the 17th Infantry, 7th Division, assigned to South Korea.

Noel Leonard Fouts was killed in action in South Korea, January 20, 1951. His body was recovered and returned to his family. He was buried in Cavalry Baptist Cemetery, Murray County, Georgia.

Korean War

Note: This initial listing was created using only the years of service shown on bricks honoring these men in Murray's Veterans Memorial Park, coincided with the years of the Korean War, 1950 - 1953. Please notify the museum which names should be removed because the person never served in Korea. Also send names of men who did serve in Korea but are not listed here. Email information to Use Subject: Korean War Vets List. The list will be updated when sufficient changes have been received. Thank you.

Adams, Jack L (PUD), CN, US Navy, 1952-1955
Adams, Malcom R (SNAKE), FT3, US Navy, 1950-1954
Anderson, Thomas E., PVT, US Army, KIA, Korea, 1951

Baggett, Eugene M, SSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1955
Baggett, Garlin Odell, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955
Baggett, James (Jack), A3C, US Air Force, 1951-1954
Bagley, James E, Jr, SSGT, US Air Force, 1948-1955
Bailey, Dennis L, PFC, US Army, 1952-1957
Bailey, James A, Sr, PO2, US Navy, 1943-1953
Bailey, Thomas L, HSSA, US Navy, 1949-1951
Ballew, Robert R, GM3, US Navy, 1950-1954
Bandy, Ralph Julian, SGT, US Army, 1951-1953
Barnes, William T, PFC, US Army, 1953-1956
Bartley, Bill F, CPL, US Army, 1950-1954
Bartley, J Hugh, CPL, US Army, 1952-1955
Bartley, James L, MM5, US Navy, 1953-1956
Bartley, Virgil E. A1C., US Air Force, 1954-1958
Beavers, Lois F, WAC SGT, US Army, 1950-1958
Blevins, Kenneth D, SMA, US Army, 1950 -1954
Boling, James E, CPL, US Army, 1948-1953
Bostic, J D. TSGT, US Air Force, 1942-1963
Bramblett, Ralph, SGT, US Army, 1945-1952
Brooks, Hoyt Edwin, A2C, US Air Force, 1952-1954
Brooks, Robert Howell, CPL, US Army, 1952-1954
Brown, Charles Otis, CPL, US Army, Died while POW, 1951.
Brown, Edward Holmes, served in Korean War. (Brother to Charles O. Brown)
Bryson, William M, CPL, US Air Force, 1950-1952
Burt, Ervin, PFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Butler, Joe D (JD), MSGT, US Air Force, 1952-1973

Carnes, Charlie, CT2, US Navy, 1943-1945, 1950-1952
Carnes, J C, SFC, US Army, 1940-1961
Carpenter, M L, LT, US Navy, World War II, 1942-1958 Caylor, Thomas Luther, PFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Childers, Houston Jr, CPL, US Army, 1950-1952
Childers, Thomas A, MSGT US Air Force, 1953-1973
Coble, Paul B, MSGT, US Air Force, 1943-1964
Coker, Earl, PFC, US Army, 1953-1955
Crump, John H, PVT, US Army, 1950-1952

Davenport, Calvin C, CPL, AMEDS, US Army, 1952-1954
Davenport, Curtis J, CPL, US Army, 1950-MIA (declared KIA)
Davenport, James Carl, PFC, US Army, 1953-1956
Deverell, W Lawrence, SGT, US Army, 1952-1954
Dill, J. N., Jr., CPL, US Army, 1951
Dillard, William E, SGT, US Army, 1951-1956
Dotson, Robert Lewis, SGT, US Marine Corps, 1948-1952
Douthitt, Paul M, SSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1955
Dunn, Jimmie, SGT, US Army, 1949-1953

Edwards, LW, SN, US Navy, 1948-1955
Ensley, Jack Thomas, SGT, US Army, 1952-1955
Ensley, Thomas Jack, SGT, US Army, 1952-1955
Etheridge, James, YN3, US Navy, 1951-1961

Fouts, Noel Leonard, PFC, US Army, 1940-1951, KIA, Purple Heart, Bronze Star

Garner, Charles W, SGT, US Air Force, 1949-1952
Gee, Glenn, CPL, US Army, 1951
Gibson, Billie, TSGT, US Army Air Corps, 1942-1959
Glass, Everett M, Jr, PFC US Army, 1953-1955
Goble, Paul B, MSGT, US Air Force, 1943-1964
Gray, Johnny L, CPL, US Army, 1952- 1954
Gray, Norman C, SGM, US Army, 1948-1978
Green, Edward, BT2, US Navy, 1951-1960
Green, George H, SGT, US Army, 1944-1952, Purple Heart
Green, Howard G, SFC, US Army, 1945-1966
Green, Robert Glen, MSGT, US Air Force, 1950-1975
Greeson, Cleve M, MSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1972
Gregory, Rowland E, 1st Lt, US Air Force, Korean War

Hall, Jack Ronald, PVT, US Army, 1949-1952, 3 Bronze Stars, Purple Heart
Hamby, Robert L, CPL, US Army, 1950- 1952, 5 Bronze Stars, Purple Heart
Hampton, Ray E, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955
Harris, Bill Clayton, PVT, US Army, 1945-1953
Harris, Harold, CPL, US Army, 1952-1954
Headrick, James (RIP), TSGT, US Air Force, 1953-1975
Henry, Lillian, SSGT, US Marine Corps, 1951-1956, USMCR, 1956-1963
Herndon, Hubert C, SGT, US Army, 1951-1960 Hicks, Boyd B, GM3, US Navy, 1952-1956
Holcomb, Billy H, PFC, US Army, 1950-1952
Holcomb, Clyde O, PO2, US Navy, 1951-1956
Holcomb, John W, PFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Howard, James B, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955
Huffman, Robert L, E7, US Army,

Ingle, M Odell, CPO, US Navy, 1942-1959

Jackson, Ralph E, A2C, US Air Force, 1951 -1955
Johnson, Odis Leroy, SP5, US Army, 1952-1955
Jones, Floyd B, CTOC, US Navy, 1953-1975
Jones, Jesse R, SGT, US Army, 1951-1957
Jones, Mack D, PV2, US Army, 1951-1952
Jones, Stanton Terry, CPT, US Army, 1951-1955

Keith, Elswick C, LTC, US Army, 1940-1946, 1950-1958
Kersey, Roy, PFC, US Army, 1952-1954
Kilgore, Arnold C, SMSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1977
King, John D (JD), SGT, US Army, 1950-1956
Kranz, Ronald D, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955, Bronze Star

Langford, John Frank, SPC US Army, 1942-1945, 1948-1953, POW (WW II)
Langford, Kenneth Eugene, Korean War
Ledford, Junior, PFC, US Army, 1953-1955
Leonard, Raymond Paul, AMM3, US Navy, 1944-1953
Long, E L, SP4, US Army, 1953-1955
Lotspeich, Joseph C, CPL, US Army, 1952-1955

Mantooth, Ralph L, BMC, US Navy, 1936-1956
Miller, Golie, PFC, US Army, 1953-1955
Morgan, Kenneth R, PFC, US Army, 1949-1953
Morris, Charles R, SFC, US Army, 1950-1974
Mosteller, Bobby Tucker, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955

Nixon, Billy P, PFC, US Army, 1950-1956, POW


Palmer, Jack R, PFC, US Marine Corps, 1952- 1954
Parker, Cecil R, SFC, US Army, 1949-1971, Bronze Star
Parker, Huston, PFC, US Army, 1947-1950, 2 Bronze Stars
Parker, McKinley, SFC, US Army, 1944-1965, Bronze Star, Purple Heart
Parson, Edd, Jr, PFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Parson, Houston (Buck), PFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Patterson, Lewis, Jr, T4, US Army, 1945-1957
Patterson, Sam, Jr, SGT TEC 5, US Army, 1943-1954
Pearson, R H, Jr, SFC, US Army, 1943-1952, POW
Peden, Bob T, SSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1973
Peeples, Harlan, PFC, US Army, 1952-1954 Plott, Samuel C, Jr, MGYSGT, US Marine Corps, 1942-1968
Prickett, Irby O, SSGT, US Army, 1953-1955
Pellom, Edward R., BMCM US Navy 1944-1975
Pellom, Virgil A., First Sergeant, US Army Special Forces airborne, Green Beret, 1947-1967

Quarles, Theron Homer, SFC, US Army, 1942-1966, Bronze Star Medal with Valor

Reed, James Bradford, CPL, US Army, 1953-1955
Ridley, Bobby L, Sr, SP3, US Army, 1953-1956
Ridley, Eugene T, SSGT, US Army, 1950-1956, US Air Force 1957- 1961
Ridley, Henry Alfred, MSG, US Army, 1950-1976, Purple Heart, Bronze Star
Roberts, James Donald, SSGT. US Air Force, 1951-1955
Rogers, Alfred J, SSGT, US Army, 1945-1965
Rogers, Marion J (Bud), CW4, US Army, 1950-1977
Rogers, Vernon P, SGT, US Army, 1951-1953
Ross, Carl A Jr, PFC, US Army, 1951-1955
Russell, Ed, SFC, US Army, 1953-1975

Silvers, Sam (Bo), PFC, US Army, 1950-1953
Swanson, Charles T, MSGT, US Army, 1942 -1953, Bronze Star, Silver Star
Swanson, Ronald George, PFC, US Army, 1951-1953

Tankersley, Marvin, SGT, US Army, A1C US Air Force, 1949-1962
Tankersley, Ray C, CPL (T), US Army, 1951-1953
Terry, Harold H, CPL, US Army, 1951-1956
Thomas, Gordon L, CPL, US Army, 1950-1951
Thomas, Troy E, CPL, US Army, 1951-1953
Timms, Jess H, CMSGT, US Air Force, 1947-1969
Timms, Joe E, Jr, SSGT, US Air Force, 1951-1955
Townsend, Buel, A1C, US Air Force, 1953-1957



Walls, Clifford D, SR, US Navy, 1948-1952, Silver Star
Walraven, Oliver B, CPL, US Army, 1951-1954
Warmack, E Turner, SSGT, US Army, 1950-1952
Weaver, Ralph, SSgt, US Army, 1950-53
Welch, Raymond Neal, SFC, US Army, 1951-1953
Welch, S Gerald, MAJ, US Army, 1952-1972, 3 Bronze Stars
Wilburn, Kenneth, SSGT, US Army Air Force, 1948-1956
Winkler, Harold C, A1C, US Air Force, 1951-1954


Young, Fred, SGT, US Army, 1953-1976


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