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Co. A, 37th Infantry Regiment Georgia

Georgia: Murray County: MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY A, 37th REGIMENT

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Ken Johnson

C. S. A.

See Co. B, 3d Battn. Ga. Infantry for roll of this company prior to May 6, 1863. The 37th Regiment Ga. Infantry was formed partly by consolidation of the 3d and 9th Battalions of Georgia Infantry May 6, 1863. The 9th Battalion Georgia Infantry was also known as the 17th Battalion Ga. Inf.

    Watson, Robert E.- Captain.

    Bramblett, Harris - private July 1, 1864. Killed at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864.

    Bramblett, T. Perry - private 1863. Appears on receipt roll for clothing for May 9, June 25, and June 28, 1864. No later record. (Born in Ga. Died in Murray County, Ga.)

    Bramblett, William H.- private January 28, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, 39th Regiment Ga. Inf. April 1, 1864. Roll for April 30, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

    Cox, John - private July 16, 1863. Roll for February 29, 1864, last on file, shows he was sent to hospital August 23, 1863. No later record.

    Gentles, Pinkney - private February 19, 1864. Roll for February 29, 1864, last on file, shows him absent without leave since February 24, 1864. No later record.

    Gladden, Charles Elias (or Elias Charles) - private January 14, 1864. Roll dated February 29, 1864, last on file, shows him absent without leave since February 28, 1864. No later record.

    Goble, James S.- private February 1, 1864. Captured in Gilmer County, Ga. and sent to Louisville, Ky., where he took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. and was released to remain north of Ohio River during war, July 16, 1864.

    Hays, John - private April 4, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

    Kell, John T.- private February 1, 1864. Captured near Franklin, Tenn. December 17, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 19, 1865.

    Langley, Benjamin S.- private February 1, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky., and released north of Ohio River, July 16, 1864.

    Ledford, Ephraim A.- private. Assigned to Artillery June 3, 1863. Deserted prior to February 5, 1864.

    Rembert, Edmund W.- private. Appointed Regimental Ensign August 2, 1864. No later record.

    Stone, Richard M.- private February 19, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky., and released to remain north of Ohio River during war, November 25, 1864.

    Whitamore, Cincinnatus (or Whitlemore) - private November 21, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. May 3, 1864.

    C. S. A.
      Bradford, Jesse J.- Captain July 12, 1861. Elected Major May 6, 1863. Retired to Invalid Corps June 24, 1864.

      Phelps, William H. H.- 1st Lieutenant July 12, 1861. Elected Captain of Co. H, April 22, 1862. Transferred to Co. K, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as Captain May 6, 1863. In hospital November 1863. On detached service at Andersonville, Ga. in 1863. Command- ing Post at Columbus, Ga. April 26, 1865. (Born in Columbus, Ga. February 10, 1839. Died at Confederate Soldiers' Home in Atlanta, Ga. May 18, 1924. Buried at Columbus, Ga.)

      Blanchard, Thomas E.- Enlisted as a private in Co. G, 2d Regiment Ga. Inf. April 15, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant of Co. F, 3d Battn. Ga. Inf. July 12, 1861; 2d Lieutenant October 31, 1861; Captain of Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Detailed Acting Adjutant General on Staff of General W. B. Bates from December 31, 1862 to May 1864. Wounded and permanently disabled at Resaca, Ga. May 14, 1864. Served as Adjutant of Post at Columbus, Ga. from 1864, to close of war.

      Bradford, P. S.- 1st Sergeant July 12, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant October 31, 1861. Resigned, ill health, July 22, 1862.

      Schnell, John - 2d Sergeant July 12, 1861. Appointed 1st Sergeant October 31, 1861. Elected 2d Lieutenant. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. and elected 1st Lieutenant May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Resigned January 1, 1864. Detailed machinist on Gun Boat at Selma, Ala. in 1864. No later record.

      Lively, James R.- 3d Sergeant July 12, 1861. Appointed 2d Sergeant October 31, 1861; 1st Sergeant November 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. and elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant May 6, 1863; 2d Lieutenant January 21, 1864; 1st Lieutenant September 3, 1864. Wounded at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864. Elected Captain. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Walker, John C. C.- 4th Sergeant July 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Sergeant October 31, 1861; 2d Sergeant November 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863, and died from wounds September 21, 1863.

      Adlington, David D. (or Addington) - 1st Corporal July 12, 1861. Appointed 5th Sergeant October 31, 1861. Detailed Battalion Drummer November 1, 1862. Transferred as Drummer to 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured near Franklin, Tenn. December 17, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. May 12, 1865.

      Huff, James Turner - 2d Corporal July 12, 1861. Appointed 1st Corporal October 31, 1861. Wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn. December 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Appointed 4th Sergeant February 1, 1864. Killed at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864.

      Kelly, William C.- 3d Corporal July 12, 1861. Discharged October 10, 1861. Enlisted as a private in Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. June 10, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him at home sick. No later record.

      Haller, Paul - 4th Corporal July 12, 1861. Appointed 2d Cor- poral October 31, 1861. Captured at Lexington, Ky. October 16, 1862. Sent from Camp Douglas, Ill. to City Point, Va. April 6, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 2d Corporal May 6, 1863. Roll for April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him on furlough. No later record.

      Quinn, William - Drummer July 12, 1861. Appointed Drum Major November 1, 1862. Transferred as Drum Major to 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Pevy, Wiley - Musician July 12, 1861. Discharged.December 6, 1861.

      Robinett, Daniel J.- Musician March 4, 1862. Died in Lexington, Ky. hospital in 1862. Buried there.

      Abrams, J. L. (or Abrahams) - private January 25, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1862, last on which borne, shows him on sick furlough at Columbus, Ga. No later record.

      Alford, Job L.- private July 12, 1861. Captured at Murfreesboro, Tenn. December 30, 1862. No later record.

      Bivings, J. R. (or Bivins) - private 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured.

      Blanchard, Mercer - private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Sergeant October 31, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 2d Lieutenant May 6, 1863. Elected 1st Lieutenant January 21, 1864. Died September 10, 1864.

      Brakefield, Jesse W.- private February 20, 1862; Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured at Mission- ary Ridge, Tenn. November 26, 1863. Released at Rock Island, Ill. June 20, 1865.

      Brakefield, John O.- private February 20, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864. No later record.

      Broadaway, Jerry - private July 12, 1861. Killed in railroad accident November 12, 1861.

      Broadaway, Jordan - private July 12, 1861. On sick furlough for 20 days at Columbus, Ga. January 8, 1862. No later record.

      Brooks, Jordan C.- private July 12, 1861. Discharged on account of ill health November 27, 1861.

      Brookins, Reuben B.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded in arm, necessitating amputation, at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864.

      Browning, P. A.- private July 12, 1861. Deserted at Richmond, Va. October 6, 1861.

      Byrum, J. F.- private August 9, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him sick in Knoxville, Tenn. hospital. Died January or February 1863.

      Cash, Newton - private February 18, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1862, last on file, shows him sick at Morristown, Tenn. No later record.

      Chaffin, Charles L.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Corporal in 1862. Wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn. December 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. and appointed 1st Corporal May 6, 1863. Appointed 5th Sergeant April 1864. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Died of brain fever at Camp Douglas, Ill. January 30, 1865. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery.

      Chappell, Robert M.- private February 18, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April l, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Compton, James - private July 12, 1861. Died of camp fever at Greenville, December 18, 1861.

      Cook, Fisher - private. Elected Lieutenant. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Killed at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863.

      Culpepper, George W.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Killed at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863.

      Culpepper, J. C.- private February 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863.

      Culpepper, Nathan F.- private March 20, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Killed at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864.

      Duke, E. M. F.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Sergeant November 27, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 2d Sergeant May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant April 29, 1864. Ad- mitted to Way Hospital at Meridian, Miss., on account of wounds, January 14, 1865. Furloughed in 1865. No later record.

      Duncan, C. B.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured, date and place not given. Died at Camp Douglas, Ill.

      Edwards, Jesse - private 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863.

      Ellis, Thomas - private July 12, 1861. Deserted near Camp Dick Robinson, Ky. October 14, 1862.

      Ellison, Joseph H.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 20, 1863. Wounded and captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Received at Louisville, Ky. December 10, 1863. Sent to Rock Island, Ill. December 11, 1863, and received there January 1, 1864. Enlisted in U. S. Army for frontier service October 18, 1864.

      Evans, J. W.- private July 12, 1861. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him on detached service at Cleveland, Tenn. No later record.

      Everidge, A. A., Jr.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Everidge, A. A., Sr.- private July 12, 1861. Roll for December 1861, last on which borne, shows him present.

      Everidge, Joseph J.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded, left leg permanently disabled, at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Wounded at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Pension records show he was returning to command from wounded furlough close of war. (Resident of Ga. since September 27, 1845.)

      Evers, Calvin - private July 12, 1861. Absent without leave August 31, 1861. No later record.

      Gardner, John - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Garrett, Thomas - private July 12, 1861. Deserted August 4, 1861.

      Gorham, William Robertus - private July 12, 1861. Trans- ferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Transferred from Rock Island, Ill. for exchange March 13, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 23, 1865.

      Gray, John M.- private July 12, 1861. On sick furlough to Gainesville, Ga. for 20 days from January 23, 1862. Transferred to Co. H, 8th Regiment Ga. Inf. in 1862. Discharged, disability, January 30, 1863.

      Greer, Benjamin W. (or Green) - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded and missing at Spotsylvania, Va. May 12, 1864.

      Greer, George - private July 12, 1861. Discharged December 6, 1861.

      Harrall, J. H.- private July 12, 1861. Absent without leave July 12-August 31, 1861. No later record.

      Haygood, B. C.- private August 20, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him sick at Forsyth, Ga. No later record.

      Helton, John - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Herdtt, John (or Heerdt) - private July 12, 1861. Detailed at Brigade Quartermaster Dept. December 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Hoffman, John J.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Corporal October 31, 1861; 1st Corporal August 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 3d Sergeant May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Howard, Edward - private July 12, 1861. Appears last on roll for December 1861.

      Hudson, William F.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 20, 1863. Appointed Sergeant. Wounded and permanently disabled at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864, and captured there December 17, 1864. Released June 21, 1865.

      Kendrick, M. A.- private August 2, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Died January or February 1864.

      Kenny, Michael (or Kinney, Mitchell) - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Released at Rock Island, Ill. June 18, 1865.

      Kilcrease, James - private July 12, 1861. Appears last on roll for December 1861.

      Kilgore, Leroy - Enlisted as a private in Co. I, 20th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 23, 1861. Discharged, disability, June 24, 1861. Enlisted as a private in Co. F, 3d Battn. Ga. Inf. July 12, 1861. Discharged October 25, 1861.

      Kinsey, A. L.- private July 12, 1861. Deserted at Richmond, Va. August 15, 1861. Union prisoner of war records show A. L.

      Kinsey, private Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. deserted December 31, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Nashville, Tenn. January 28, 1865.

      Kirkland, William - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Died at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863.

      Kirl, George - private July 12, 1861. Appears last on roll for December 1861, with remark: "Sick in Petersburg, Va. hospital."

      Lambert, Joseph - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Logan, Benjamin - private July 12, 1861. Appears last on roll for December 1861.

      Lynch, George B.- private August 21, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, bears remark: "Absent, sick; supposed to have died."

      Lyon, W. F.- private August 22, 1862. Discharged December 7, 1862.

      Mainor, Benjamin F.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Mainor, John W.- private July 12, 1861. Wounded in leg, necessitating amputation, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. December 31, 1862, and captured there January 15, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Paroled at Fort McHenry, Md. June 3, 1863. Received at City Point, Va. June 5, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, shows him permanently disabled. On June 10, 1864, at Richmond, Va. he received monthly pay for period from April 1, to July 31, 1862.

      Martin, James H.- private July 12, 1861. Discharged December 6, 1861.

      McCarter, John C.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. F, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865. Died at Commerce, Ga. February 1, 1908.

      McCrary, A. B.- private July 12, 1861. Wounded and permanently disabled at Murfreesboro, Tenn. December 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Furloughed for 60 days at Disabled Camp at Lauderdale, Miss., on account of wounds, March 14, 1865.

      McCrary, Robert Harrison - private March 10, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded and permanently disabled at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, permanently disabled.

      McGee, George C.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Corporal October 10, 1861; 4th Sergeant September 22, 1862; 3d Sergeant November 27, 1862; 1st Sergeant in 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 1st Sergeant May 6, 1863. Elected 2d Lieutenant January 21, 1864. Wounded at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865. (Born in Harris County, Ga. in 1843.)

      McKinney, George M.- private March 2, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      McKinney, J. N.- private July 12, 1861. Deserted at Greenville, East Tenn. November 25, 1861.

      Morgan, J. B.- private July 1, 1861. On 20 days' sick furlough at Fort Valley, Ga. January 16, 1862. No later record.

      Morse, William - private March 1862. Died at Bean Station, Tenn. hospital November 1862.

      Norris, James - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. Paroled at Hdqrs. 16 Army Corps at Montgomery, Ala. May 20, 1865.

      Nunnelee, John A. (or Nunnellee) - private February 29, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Killed at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863.

      Nunnelee, John N. (or Nunnellee) - private February 20, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Nunnelee, Richard (or Nunnellee) - private February 20, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      O'Neil, B. F. (or O'Neal) - private July 12, 1861. Deserted September 25, 1861. Under punishment for desertion January 1862. Deserted again at Greenville, Tenn. January 5, 1862.

      Peddy, John C.- private July 12, 1861. Died in Ladies' Hospital at Lynchburg, Va. October 16, 1861. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery. No. 6, 5th Line, Lot 159.

      Peddy, William W.- private July 12, 1861. Discharged, disability, December 6, 1861.

      Penn, J. R.- private August 20, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him sick in Morristown, Tenn. hospital. No later record.

      Phelps, John L.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Pike, Esau - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864.

      Pike, George - private July 12, 1861. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Pike, Henry - private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Corporal August 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 3d Corporal May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Roll for April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Pike, Littleton - private July 12, 1861. Discharged September 18, 1861.

      Pike, Pinkard - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll for April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Powers, James D.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Corporal December 1861; 2d Corporal August 31, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Rainey, John F. (or Raney) - private August 2, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Raiford, Bennett M. (or Rayford) - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Discharged, over-age, July 12, 1864.

      Shands, William H.- private February 18, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. Nay 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. Pension records show he was at home on furlough close of war.

      Smith, Walter B.- private July 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Corporal December 31, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. as 4th Corporal May 6, 1863. Wounded at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864. Admitted to Meridian, Miss. hospital, on account of wounds, February 2, 1865. Furloughed for 60 days to Columbus, Ga.

      Snipes, William - private February 18, 1862. Roll for December 1862, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Spencer, Richard Perry, Jr.- private March 20, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded in ankle and permanently disabled at Resaca, Ga. May 15, 1864. In Columbus, Ga. hospital, wounded, April 26, 1865. Paroled at Augusta, Ga. May 30, 1865.

      Street, Patrick C.- private March 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Resaca, Ga. May 18, 1864. No later record.

      Street, Richard - private February 18, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Thompson, Thomas - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Appointed 1st Corporal April 1864. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      Thompson, William - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded and captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Sent from Louisville, Ky. to Rock Island, Ill., where he enlisted in the U. S. Army for frontier service, October 13, 1864.

      Veach, Frank - private July 12, 1861. On extra duty as nurse in hospital January 1862. No later record.

      Wade, John W.- private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Detailed nurse in Atlanta, Ga. hospital December 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him "Absent, physically disabled; on Post duty at Atlanta, Ga."

      Wadkins, John C. (or Watkins) - private February 15, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. No later record.

      Wadkins, M. M. (or Watkins) - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Exchanged at New Orleans, La. May 23, 1865.

      Waldo, John - private. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Resaca, Ga. May 18, 1864. No later record.

      Wells, James M.- private February 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 20, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865. (Born in Ga. October 15, 1832.)

      Wells, William - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

      White, Henry - private March 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April l. 1864, last on file, shows him on furlough. No later record.

      White, James - private March 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Released at Rock Island, Ill. June 20, 1865.

      Williams, Calvin - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Left sick at private home at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., and captured there July 12, 1863. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 16, 1865.

      Williams, Hiram - private July 12, 1861. Discharged December 6, 1861.

      Williams, Richard - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Roll dated April 1, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

      Willis, William - private July 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 6, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19, 1863.

      Wooten, James C.- private July 12, 1861. Discharged, disability, August 14, 1861.

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