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Co. H, 52nd Infantry Regiment Georgia. "Fannin Rifles"

FANNIN COUNTY GA Co H 52nd GA Regt. Inft

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Brandon W.L. Hobgood

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This site by Brandon W.L. Hobgood contains photos, all the rosters, as well as campaign and battle information.

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Company " H "
52nd Georgia Infantry Regiment

    Brown, William W.- Captain March 4, 1862. Resigned January 8, 1864.

    Vanzant, Isaac A. (or Jack A.)-1st Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863.

    Weaver, Alford-2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Resigned August 31, 1864.

    Underwood, John E.- Jr. 2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 7, 1863. Elected 2nd Lieutenant. Resigned, S. O. #243, October 13, 1864.

    Goddard, J. T.- 1st Sergeant March 4, 1862.

    Botts, James J.- 2nd Sergeant March 4, 1862.

    Forrester, James P.- 3rd Sergeant March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863.

    Oliver, James M.- 4th Sergeant March 4, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863.

    Marshall, John W.- 5th Sergeant March 4, 1862. Appointed 4th Sergeant September 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Green, Moses A.- 1st Corporal March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there in 1863. Captured near Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Received at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., July 30, 1864. Released at Camp Chase, O. June 11, 1865.(Born in Ga. in 1839. Died in Fannin County, Ga. August 19,1921)

    Hunter, Enoch-2nd Corporal March 4, 1862.

    Aaron, William A.- 3rd Corporal March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Corporal September 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. July 3, 1863. Received at City Point, Va. for exchange July 6, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. May 23, 1864.

    Hale, Elbert D.- 4th Corporal March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Corporal September 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since November 20, 1863. No later record.

    Aaron, George W.- private March 4, 1862. Captured in Fannin County, Ga., date not given. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky. May 10, 1864, and again at Chattanooga, Tenn. May 23, 1864.(Born in Forsyth County, Ga. January 1, 1842)

    Beaver, Jesse W.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded and captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Died there from wounds in prison hospital May 18, 1863.

    Berry, William- private March 4, 1862. Original roll bears remark."Volunteered on 4th March, but failed to come."

    Bradley, Samuel P. (or Samuel L.)- private March 4, 1862. Appointed lst Sergeant. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled July 6, 1863, remark."Left in hospital." Exchanged at Mobile Harbor, Ala. August 4, 1863. Died in Medical College Hospital at Atlanta, Ga. August 12, 1863. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

    Bramblett, Colman Carlise- private March 4, 1862. Discharged February 20, 1863. From0="/ExciteMail/address_edit/rs=37239;aff=30C83856;ck =27530655/first=DCBRAM2552;e=DCBRAM2552_0040aol_002Ecom";

    Bramlett, Elisha Lafayette - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 1863, last on file, shows him present. Pension records show he "Got behind at Jonesboro, Ga. July 23, 1864. Joined Home Guards in 1864. Surrendered at Kingston, Ga. May 12, 1865."(Born in Ga. May 15, 1838)

    Brown, Charles E.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles at Knoxville, Tenn. May 20, 1862.

    Bryant, Jeptha M.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Bullard, Wiley F.- private March 4, 1862.

    Bunton, Hamilton- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave from September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Cairnes, J. M.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Cash, Alfred J.- See private Co. A.

    Chapman, Jeremiah Lawrence (or James Lawrence)- private March 4, 1862. Died of typhoid fever in Monticello, Fla. hospital August 8, 1864. Buried there.

    Chapman, J. C.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 3rd Sergeant.

    Chastain, Jehu- private March 4, 1862. Sent to Atlanta, Ga. hospital December 31, 1863. No later record.

    Clements, Andrew C.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Clements, Joseph W.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Crane, Jesse W.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Davis, James- private May 10, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhoea in Meridian, Miss. hospital May 1863.

    Davis, John- private March 4, 1862. Killed at Bakers Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863.

    Denton, Thomas M.- private March 4, 1862. Died February 5, 1863.

    Dillard, Alford J. (or Alfred J.)- private March 4, 1862.

    Dillard, John S.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 6, 1863. No later record.

    Dillard, Robert J.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Douthit, John M.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Sergeant. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., where he contracted typhoid fever, in 1863. Died there August 16, 1863.

    Dover, Edmund B.- private February 12, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. Pension records show he was"discharged near Athens, Ga. close of war."(Born in Loudsville, Ga. March 25, 1827)

    Edmondson, John (or Edmonson)- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Edmondson, Minyard (or Edmonson)- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave September 20,1863. No later record.

    Fairtee, F. M.- private March 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. ----, Regiment Ga. Inf. January 29, 1863.

    Falls, Gilbert E. L.- private March 4, 1862. Original roll bears remark."Volunteered on March 4, but failed to come."

    Forrester, Francis M.- private February 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. ..., Regiment Ga. Inf. January 29, 1863.

    Fox, John W - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since January 1, 1863. No later record.

    Frady, Marquis L.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for January-February 1863, last on which borne, shows him absent without leave since January 1, 1863. No later record.

    Free, John P.- private March 4, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhoea in Vicksburg, Miss. hospital August 1863.

    Freeman, Whittleton J. (or J. Whittenton)- private March 4, 1862.

    German, Charles- private Meh. 4, 1862. Died April 11, 1863.

    Goddard, J. B.- private October 4, 1862. Detailed in Augusta, Ga. hospital December 27, 1863.

    Goddard, Joshua J. (or Joshua T.)- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant.

    Goddard, Q. T.- private March 4, 1862.

    Goswick, Martin- private March 4, 1862.

    Greenwood, John M.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 6, 1863. No later record.

    Gudger, Andrew J.- private March 4, 1862. Name cancelled on original roll.

    Guthrie, Elisha W.- private March 4, 1862.

    Harper, John- private March 4, 1862.

    Hase, Jeremiah R.- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since January 1, 1863. No later record.

    Henson, Charles- private February 12, 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since October 8, 1863. No later record.

    Hicks, David A.- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Hicks, John- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

    Holden, Asberry P.- private March 4, 1862.

    Holden, Jesse J.- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. April 16, 1864.

    Holden, Richard N.- private March 4, 1862. Name cancelled on original roll.

    Hunter, Jeremiah A. private March 4, 1862.

    Jenkins, John T.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on roll for February 1863, with remark."Absent without leave since November 16, 1862." doined a company in Charlestown, S. C. without leave January 1, 1863.

    Jones, William L.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863.

    Key, Wrigley R. (or Wiley R.)- private March 4, 1862. Appears without remark as to presence or absence on roll for December 31, 1863.

    Lance, Thomas J. D.- private March 4, 1862.

    Lavasque, Hamilton W. (or Hamilton N.)- private May 14, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863.

    Lingerfelt, William- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Mahaffee, William W. (or Mahaffer)- private July 20, 1863.

    Meeler, George- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. and released February 21, 1864.

    Merrill, John- private March 4, 1862.

    Murray, William M.- private February 1, 1863. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 7, 1863. Appointed 1st Sergeant October 1863; Ensign & 1st Lieutenant, P. A. C. S., August 2, 1864. Assigned to 52nd Regiment Ga. Inf. Died July 27, 1864.

    Osten, William H. See private Co. A.

    Patten, Andrew J.- private March 4, 1862.

    Patterson, George- private March 4, 1862. Died November 29, 1862.

    Pearce, Russell J.- private March 4, 1862. Appears only on pay roll dated April 13, 1862, which shows that he received $50.00 bounty.

    Pless, Henry R.- private March 4, 1862.

    Pope, Jacob- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Porter, Robert S.- private March 4, 1862. Died, relapse of measles, at Chattanooga, Tenn. December 15, 1862.

    Postell, William Thomas- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal December 1862. Wounded, left hip permanently disabled, and captured at Baker's Creek, Miss., May 16, 1863. Appointed 3rd Corporal September 1863 . Wounded October 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "At home, wounded." No later record. (Born in Cherokee County, N. C. March 4, 1841. Died in Fannin County, Ga. in 1927)

    Roberson, James B.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Corporal; 2nd Sergeant September 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Roberts, Daniel- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since November 12, 1862. No later record.

    Rodgers, Hugh Y. (or Rogers)- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. February 13, 1864.

    Rose, Sidney- private March 4, 1862.

    Rutledge, David W.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Scarberry, Alexander- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Scoggins, Green B.- Enlisted as a private in Co. G 39th Regiment Ga. Inf. March 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. H 52nd Regiment Ga. Inf. July 31, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6, 1863. Absent without leave September 20-December 1863. No later record.

    Scoggins, William R.- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. April 8, 1864.

    Shope, David- private March 4, 1862. Name cancelled on original roll.

    Smithwick, David- private February 12, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Nashville, Tenn. and released January 26, 1864.

    Stringer, J. M.- private September 10, 1862.

    Suits, John D.- private February 12, 1863. Died at Newnan, Ga. July 15, 1864. Buried there.

    Summers, William M.- private March 4, 1862.

    Tanner, George K.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. July 3, 1863. Received at City Point, Va. for exchange July 6, 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows hzm absent without leave from September 20, 1863. Pension records show he enlisted in Co. E Ledford's Regiment Ga. Militia while home on furlough. Surrendered at Kingston, Ga. May 12, 1865.(Born in Lumpkin County, Ga.)

    Tanner, R. A.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on roll for February 1863, with remark. "Absent without leave since November 16 1862." No later record.

    Teague, William R.- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. and released March 8, 1864.

    Thompson, John- private March 4, 1862.

    Tilley, Benjamin M.- private March 4, 1862. Captured in Fannin County, Ga., date not stated. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. December 23, 1863, and released to go north of Ohio River.

    Turner, Baylis M. (or Balis M.)- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave January 1, 1863. No later record.

    Twiggs, William A.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Underwood, John L.- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. April 1, 1864.

    Underwood, Thomas J.- private March 4, 1862. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. February 19, 1864.

    Vestal, John- private. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 7, 1863. Died at Brandon, Miss. July 19, 1863.

    Wadkins, John- private March 4, 1862.

    Wadkins, William H.- private March 4, 1862.

    Waldrop, Charles R.- private March 4, 1862. Absent without leave September 1863.

    Waldrop, Solomon R.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nicholasville, Ky. October 15, 1862. Sent to Vicksburg, Miss. for exchange December 13, 1862. No later record.

    Waldrop, William- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nicholasville, Ky. October 11, 1862. Died at Alton, Ill. Military Prison February 5,1863.

    Wilson, Newton C.- private March 4, 1862.

    Woody, Willis L.- private March 4, 1862.

    Wright, L. D.- private June 20, 1862. Deserted to enemy May 20, 1863.(Born in Union County, Ga. in 1832)

    Wright, Patterson- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since September 20, 1863. No later record.

    Wright, S. C.- private July 20, 1862. Deserted to enemy May 20, 1863.

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