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This list definitely does not include every Murray County man who died while on active duty in the Confederate Army.

Murray men who enlisted in units in other counties simply cannot be identified as having been from Murray.

NEWTON N. ABLES (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died in Kentucky, probably in 1862. Preceding was copied in Murray County Courthouse. Military service records contain this information: Newton N. Ables, Co. B, 3rd Bn, Ga Infantry. Service Record verified. Since his unit only engaged in fighting in Kentucky at Lexington on October 8, 1862, that is probably where and when he died. Murray County Census 1850 lists William N. Ables, age 6, in home of Sarah Ables.

CHARLES ADAMS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Charles Adams enlisted as Private, Co. I, 13th Infantry Regiment Georgia, July 8, 1861, in Spaulding County, Georgia. He was killed at Wilderness, Virginia on May 5, 1864. Murray County Census 1860 lists Charles Adams, age 37, wife Nancy, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES ADAMS (Private). Military service records contain this information: James Adams enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Georgia Infantry, March 10, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi July 4, 1863; paroled there July 8, 1863. Last entry on roster is in hospital. Assumed to have died while serving. He was not found in Murray County Census 1870. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #460, lists James Adams, age 28, in home of Mary Adams, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN R. ADAMS (1 of 2 men with same name) (Private). Co. C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Service began July 3, 1861. Wounded at Manassas. Died of wounds September 3, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John R. Adams, Private, service began July 3, 1861. Appointed 3rd Sergeant January 28, 1862. Wounded at Battle of Second Manassas, August 30, 1862. Died from wounds September 2, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #317, lists John Adams, age 14, in home of John and Nancy Johnson, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN R. ADAMS (2 of 2 men with same name) (Private). Military service records contain this information: J. Adams enlisted as Private, Co. B, 52nd Infantry Regiment, White County, Georgia, September 19, 1862. Died at Murray County, Georgia, November 12, 1862. Family records indicate that John died at the home of his brother Charles, who lived in Murray County. The same records indicate that John had earlier lived in Murray County.

SILAS AKIN (Private). Military service records contain this information: Silas Eakin, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private in Co. A, 39th Infantry Regiment Georgia, March 4, 1862. Captured at Chattahoochee, Georgia July 3, 1864. Died of bronchitis while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois February 27, 1865. Murray County Census 1860 lists Silas Akin, age 27, wife Harriett, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

WILLIAM F. ALLEN (Private). Military service records contain this information: William Allen, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private in Co. A, 39th Georgia Infantry, March 10, 1862. Died in a hospital at Atlanta, Georgia. Unit roster listed him as William F. Allen. Murray County Census 1850 lists William Allen, 25, wife Elisabeth.

ANDREW J. ANDERSON (rank unknown). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: A. J. Anderson, Private, enlisted April 24, 1862, killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Service record verified. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #170, shows he was 28 years old, lived in home of James and Elisabeth Anderson, used post office at Spring Place.

ELIAS NELSON BATES (Private). Confederate military marker in Bates Cemetery, Eton: Pvt. Elias Nelson Bates, Co. A, 34th Ga. Infantry, 1842 to 9-20-1862. Military records confirmed his service. He enlisted as a Private, Co. B, Georgia State Troops on January 3, 1862. Mustered out on May 15, 1862, to enlist in Co. A, 34th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Died from illness in hospital at Dalton, Georgia, September 20, 1862. At the time of his death he was a Private in Co. A, 59th Regiment Georgia. Originally buried at Westhill Cemetery in Dalton, but thought to have been moved to Bates Family Cemetery in Eton. Family records indicate that he was born in Murray County, the 6th of 9 children of Elias Ezekial and Margaret Bates. Murray County Census 1850 lists him as Elias N. Bates, age 8, in their home.

JOHN BATES (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Captured at Tullahoma, Tennessee, during fighting in that area from January 2 to September 10, 1863. Died while a prisoner-of war at Rock Island Prison, Illinois. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Baits, Company F, 3rd Confederate Cavalry. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #720, shows John Bates, age 43, wife Mary, used post office at Fancy Hill.

JOHN SCHLEY (SLY) BATES (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Captured by Union forces at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1863. Exchanged in 1863. Died in hospital 1863, cause of death not listed. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records indicate he was a Private, enlisted March 10, 1862, in Company A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Same information found in National Archives records. He died of fever in Murray County, July 21, 1862. He was buried in Bates Family Cemetery, Eton, Georgia. His younger brother, Napoleon, also died in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #671, lists John S. Bates, age 17, in home of R.(Rice) R. & Jane Bates, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

JULIUS R. BATES, JR. (2nd Lieutenant). Confederate military marker in Bates Cemetery, Eton, Georgia: Lieut. Julius R. Bates, Jr. Co. E, 19th Alabama Infantry. 4-9-1837 - 5-28-1862. Military records state that he enlisted as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. E, 19th Alabama Infantry, August 13, 1861. He was wounded at Corinth, Mississippi, and died there in hospital May 28, 1862. Whether his body was returned to Murray County is not known. Family records indicate that he was born in Murray County, Georgia, April 9, 1837, the sixth of nine children of Julius R. (Sr.) And Lydia Hulsey Bates.

LUTHER HULSEY BATES (Sergeant). Confederate military marker in Bates Cemetery, Eton: Serg. L. Hulsey Bates, Co. E, 19th Alabama Infantry. 5-9-1839 - 5-6-1862. Military records indicate that he enlisted in Co. E, 19th Alabama Infantry, April 13, 1861. He was wounded at Shiloh, Tennessee, and died there from his wounds, May 6, 1862. At the time of his death he was listed as a Sergeant. Whether his body was returned to Murray County is unknown. Family records indicate that he was born in Murray County, Georgia, May 9, 1839, the seventh child of Julius R. Bates, Sr. And Lydia Hulsey Bates.

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (Bone) BATES (Private). Buried in Bates Cemetery, Eton, Georgia. Military records indicate that he first enlisted as a Private in Co. I, First Georgia Regiment-Georgia State Line. He transferred to Co. B, 11th Georgia Cavalry. He was home on furlough when he died of measles. Family records indicate that he was born in Murray County, Georgia, in 1845, the second of ten children of Rice Ross and Frances Jane Bates. His nickname was "Bone." His older brother, John S. "Sly" Bates, also died in the war. Murray County Census 1850 lists Napoleon B. Bates, age 5, in home of Rice R. and Jane Bates.

WILLIAM MARTIN BATES (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Died in 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Some list him as Martin Baits, others as William M. Bates, enlisted as Private, Company F, 3rd Confederate Cavalry. Transferred to Co. A, 39th Georgia Volunteers. Died of disease at Knoxville, Tennessee, July 12, 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #710, lists William M. Bates, in home of William & Rosey Bates, using post office at Fancy Hill.

WILLIAM NELSON BATES (Private). Military service records contain this information: Nelson Bates enlisted as Private, Co. B, 10th Regiment Ga. State Troops on January 3, 1862. Mustered out May 1862. Enlisted as Private in Co. A, 34th Regiment Georgia Infantry, May 15, 1862. Died at Dalton, Georgia, September 20, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists William N. Bates, age 7, in home of William and Rosa Bates.

JAMES BAXTER (rank and military unit unknown). Family records indicate that this man died while serving in the Confederate Army but little else is known. His gravestone in Baxter Family Cemetery reads: James Baxter, 1821 - 1864. Murray County Census 1860 lists: James Baxter, age 38, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Conasauga.

ROBERT NATHANIEL BAXTER (Private). Military records contain this information: Robert N. Baxter enlisted as Private, Co. E, 18th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, in Gordon County, Georgia, June 11, 1861. Appointed 5th Sergeant September 5, 1862. In Rome, Georgia hospital November 1, 1863. Family records indicate that he died in Rome, November 18, 1864. The Gordon County 1860 Census lists: Robert N. Baxter, age 23, wife Sarah C., using post office at Calhoun. Earlier he had been listed in the Murray County Census of 1850, age 14.

ALFRED GEORGE BAYNES (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Nashville, Tennessee, 1864. Fighting there was December 15-16, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Alfred G. W. Baynes, enlisted as Private, 1st Georgia Regulars. Although this man was not found in the Murray County Census 1850 or 1860, he was from Murray County. A gravestone in Williams Family Cemetery reads: Alfred George Baynes, 1838 - 1864, Pvt. Company "B" 1st Georgia Regiment, C.S.A.

PATRICK HENRY BECK (Co. G, 1st Infantry Regiment Georgia). Military records contain this information: Patrick H. C. Beck enlisted as Private, Co. G, 1st Infantry Regiment Georgia, May 17, 1861. Died at Winchester, Virginia, December 21, 1861. Family records indicate that this man was killed at Winchester, Virginia, in 1861. Murray County Census 1860 lists P. H. C. Beck, age 21, in home of E. C. Gaither, using post office at Woodlawn.

WILLIAM A. BECK (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, in fighting November 23-25, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William A. Beck, enlisted as Private in Co. B, 10th Regiment Ga State Troops, January 3, 1862. Discharged March 21, 1862. Enlisted Private, Company H, 36th Regiment, Ga. Infantry April 24, 1862. Captured near Franklin, Tenn. December 17, 1864. Died while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Chase, Ohio, March 11, 1865. Buried Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery, Ohio, Grave #1623. Notice how differently two authoritative sources report details of his death. National Archives records list his rank as 1st Sergeant. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #246, lists his age as 17, living in the home of William A. and Ann L. Beck, used post office at Center Valley.

JESSEE M. B. BISHOP (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jessee M. B. Bishop, enlisted as Private, Company C, 11th Infantry Regiment, Private, March 25, 1862. Died of disease in General Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, April 26, 1862. Murray County Census of 1850 lists: Jesse Bishop, age 27, wife Rachel, in the Rock Creek area.

THOMAS B. BLACK (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas B. Black, Private August 1861, 2nd Corporal, September 3, 1861. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Murray County Census 1850: Thomas B. Black, age 6, in home of Moses and Martha Black.

SAMUEL A. BLAIR (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Died at Vicksburg, Mississippi, during fighting May 1 - July 4, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: S. A. Blair, enlisted as Private, Company A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. National Archives shows his name as Samuel A. Blair, with rank and unit being the same. Died May 25, 1863 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Service record indicates he was from Murray County, Georgia. Murray County Census of 1850: Saml A. Blair, in home of J. W. & Salina Blair.

JAMES BOLCH (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James Bolch, Private, Enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #744, lists James Bolch, age 17, in home of Mira Bolch, using post office at Fancy Hill. The Census listed Mira as head of household and indicated that James was her brother. Their brother, Jefferson Bolch, also died in the war.

JEFFERSON BOLCH (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever at Petersburg, Virginia, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jefferson Bolch, enlisted as Private, September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga. Brigade. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Died of fever at Petersburg, Virginia, December 22, 1864. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #744, lists: Jefferson Bolch, age 15, in home of Mira Bolch, using post office at Fancy Hill. The Census listed Mira as head of household and indicated that James was her brother. Their brother, James Bolch, also died in the war.

RUSSELL P. BOND (Private). Tombstone in Center Valley Cemetery reads: In Memory of Russell P. Bond, Oct. 17, 1827. Enlisted in War May 1862 in Co. F, 37th Ga. Regt. Killed at Nashville, Tenn. 1864. Military Records contain this information: R. P. Bond enlisted as Private, Co. F, 37th Infantry Regiment. Assumed to have been from Murray County.

HARRIS BRAMBLETT (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Decatur, Georgia, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Harris Bramblett enlisted as Private in Company A, 37th Ga. On July 1, 1864. Killed at Peach Tree Creek, near Atlanta July 22, 1864. Murray County Census of 1860 lists: Harris Bramblett, age 50, wife Susanah, using post office at Spring Place.

A. NATHAN BRAMLETT (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Manassas, Virginia during fighting August 28-30, 1862. Died of wounds 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Nathan Bramblet or Bramblett, enlisted as private July 3, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Wounded at 2nd Manassass, August 30, 1862. Died there of wounds September 5, 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #281, lists: Nathan Bramlett, age 22, wife Melinda, using post office at Rock Creek.

AZER TATE BRIGHT (Private). Military service records contain this information: A. Bright, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private in Co. D, 22nd Infantry Regiment Georgia, September 3, 1861. Captured at Falling Waters, Maryland, July 14, 1863. Died while a prisoner-of-war at Point Lookout, Maryland, November 21, 1863. Unit roster listed him as A. Tate Bright. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #434, lists A. T. Bright, 33, wife Narcissus, using post office at Holly Creek.

FELIX CARY BRIGHT (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Captured by Union forces at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1862. Exchanged in 1863. Killed at Fort Monetary, Georgia, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Felix C. Bright, enlisted as Private, Company A, 39th Ga Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Killed at New Hope Church, Georgia, May 25, 1864. Murray County Census of 1850 listed Felix C. Bright, age 25, in home of Annie Bright, at Holly Creek. Marriage records indicate that he married Amy Nix in Murray County, June 28, 1859.

ALBERT FORNEY BRIGHT (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Seven Pines, Virginia, during fighting May 31-June 1, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: His name appears as A. F. Bright on some records, as F. A. Bright on others, and A. Bright on his service record. Enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Infantry Regiment. Wounded at Seven Pines, Virginia, May 31, 1862. Died from wounds there June 25, 1862. Murray County Census of 1850 lists Albert F. Bright, in home of Annie Bright. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #433, lists: Forney Bright, age 22, in home of Annie Bright, using post office at Holly Creek.

SAMUEL W. BRIGHT (Private). Tombstone in Casey Springs Cemetery reads: Samuel W. Bright, Company "B" 52nd Regiment Georgia Infantry, C.S.A. 1845-1864. Military records confirm this information but indicate that he was serving in Company A. They list no information about his death.

JOSHUA W. BROOKS (Private). Co. C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Service began July 3, 1861. Died 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. Brooks enlisted as Private July 3, 1861, Co. C, 11th Infantry Georgia. Union Army records indicate that he was captured at Sweetwater, Georgia, July 1, 1864. He died of smallpox while a prisoner-of-war near Camp Douglas, Illinois, December 19, 1864. Murray County Census 1850 lists Joshua Brooks, age 2, mother, Nancy.

VANDARY BROOKSHIRE (rank unknown). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Vardary Brookshire, Private, Company H, 36th Ga Cummings Brigade. Died of disease July 25, 1863. Records at National Archives list his name as Vardorn, with rank and unit the same. Although he was not found in a Murray County Census, family records indicate that, on March 21, 1861, Vandary Brookshire married Frances M. Lemons, a Murray resident, at Spring Place. They had a son named George Bartow Brookshire, born 1862, in Murray County.

JAMES BROWN (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: More than 150 Georgia men with this name served in the War, making it difficult to identify their service records. One James Brown served in Company A, 37th Ga. Infantry. Murray County Census of 1850, James Brown, age 10, in home of Daniel and Barbara Smith.

NATHAN S. BROWN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Nathan Brown, enlisted as Private in Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, September 3, 1861. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #4, lists Nathan S. Brown, age 16, in home of M. J. & Easter Brown, using post office at Spring Place.

MARCELLUS BROYLES (Private). A Memorial marker in Sumach Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Sumach, Georgia reads: Marcellus Broyles, a C.S.A. Soldier, July 16, 1839 and fell May 6, 1864. Military records contain the following: Marcellus Franklin Broyles enlisted March 4, 1862, Co. B, Phillips Legion Infantry, Dalton Guards. Captured at Fox's Gap, Maryland September 14, 1862. Exchanged October 2, 1862. Captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. A prisoner-of-war at Point Lookout, Maryland, October 1863, exchanged early 1864. Killed in action at the Wilderness, Virginia, May 6, 1864. Brother to Walter Long Broyles. Parents were Major Cain and Lucinda Nash Broyles.

WALTER L. BROYLES (Private). A memorial marker in Sumach Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Sumach, Georgia reads: Walter L. Broyles, July 25, 1802, died a C.S.A. Soldier in Lynchburg, Virginia, November 13, 1862. Military records contain this information: Walter Long Broyles enlisted as Private, Co. B, Phillips Legion Infantry, Dalton Guards, June 19, 1861. He died of pneumonia at Crumpton's Factory Hospital in Lynchburg, Virginia, November 13, 1862. Records indicate that he was buried in Lynchburg City Cemetery but was later removed. Cemetery listed him as W. L. Boiles. Walter was a brother to Marcellus Franklin Broyles, their parents were Major Cain and Lucinda Nash Broyles.

BALEY BRUCE (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died in hospital. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Murray County Census 1860 lists Baley Bruce, age 22, using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM ANDERSON BURKETT (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Died in Kentucky in 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Anderson Burkett, Private, April 24, 1862, enlisted Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Captured at Lexington, Kentucky November 25, 1862. Exchanged. Died of disease at Georgetown, Kentucky, November 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #168, lists Anderson Burkett, age 23, wife Nancy, using post office at Spring Place.

TILMAN T. BURKS (rank unknown). A Memorial marker in New Prospect Baptist Church Cemetery reads: Tilman T. Burks, 9th Georgia Regiment, Company "I", A Confederate soldier died in Pennsylvania about 1863, grave unknown." Military records confirm his service and list him in Co. B, 9th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Family records indicate that he died of smallpox in a Confederate hospital in Richmond, Virginia, April 13, 1863. He is buried in the Confederate section of the Old Methodist Cemetery in Lynchburg, Virginia. He married Talitha Johnson in Murray County January 21, 1858.

THOMAS JEFFERSON BURNS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Jefferson Burns enlisted as Private, Co A, 35th Georgia Infantry Regiment, May 15, 1862. Died July 18, 1862. Murray County Census 1850, lists Thomas J. Burns, age 12, in home of Thomas J. and Rebecca Burns.

JAMES C. CAIN (Private). Military records listed this man as J. Cain, who enlisted March 1, 1863, as a Private in Co. E, 60th Georgia Infantry. He died on June 1, 1864 at Farmville, Virginia. James' brother, William, also died in the war. The Census of 1860 listed James C. Cain, age 15, in home of G. W. and Nancy Cain, using post office at Fancy Hill.

WILLIAM (Dock) CAIN (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed Shenandoah Valley, Virginia fighting in May 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: W. Cain, enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Promoted to 2nd Corporal in 1863. Died (no details). Two men with family name Cain died in this unit. One was identified as James C. Cain, other through process of elimination, logically was the man identified in courthouse records by a nickname of Dock, and the alternate spelling of his family name. William's brother, James, also died in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #700, lists William Cain, 17, in home of G. W. and Nancy Cain, using post office at Fancy Hill.

BLUFORD CALHOUN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of dysentery 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Infantry Regiment, March 1, 1862. Died of dysentery at Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, June 20, 1864. Probably buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. The family of John and Elisabeth Calhoun had 7 men in the Confederate Army–the father and 6 sons. Murray County Census 1860, Visitation #430, lists: Bluford Calhoun, age 26, in home of John & Elisabeth Calhoun, using post office at Holly Creek.

GUILFORD CALHOUN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Guilford Calhoun, Private, enlisted March 1, 1862, Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Died of Phthisis at General Hospital, Lynchburg, Virginia, December 14, 1862. Buried Confederate Cemetery at Lynchburg. The family of John and Elisabeth Calhoun had 7 men in the Confederate Army–the father and 6 sons. Although he was listed in the Census as Gilbert, family records list him as Guilford. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #431, lists Gilbert Calhoun, age 23, wife Martha, using post office at Holly Creek.

JEREMIAH CALHOUN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of dysentery 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jeremiah Calhoun, enlisted Private March 1, 1862. Died of disease at Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, October 26, 1864. Buried Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. The family of John and Elisabeth Calhoun had 7 men in the Confederate Army–the father and 6 sons. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #429, lists: Jeremiah Calhoun, age 30, wife Mary A., using post office at Holly Creek.

JOHN CALHOUN, JR. (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Calhoun, Jr., enlisted as Private, September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Died of fever at Richmond, Virginia, October 24, 1864. Buried Hollywood Cemetery, Section W, Number 683, Richmond, Virginia. The family of John and Elisabeth Calhoun had 7 men in the Confederate Army–the father and 6 sons. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #430, lists John, age 14, in home of John & Elisabeth Calhoun, using post office at Holly Creek.

ELIAS CAMP (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Elias Camp enlisted as Private, Co. C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861. Residence listed as Murray County, Georgia. Died of disease May 25, 1862 at Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. Murray County Census 1860 lists Elias Camp, age 25, in home of Elijah and Patience Casteel, using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM ALEXANDER CAMPBELL (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed June 1864 either at Richmond or Petersburg, Virginia. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Alexander Campbell, enlisted as Private, Co. D, 22nd Ga. Brigade, March 15, 1862. Killed at Spotsylvania Courthouse, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #159, lists William Campbell, age 21, wife Emily, using post office at Spring Place.

JAMES K. P. CARDEN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Some records show name as J. P. Carden, others as James P. Carden, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Died at Portsmouth, Virginia, April 7, 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #749, lists James K. P. Carden, age 15, in home of Reuben & Racheal Carden, using post office at Fancy Hill.

LEONARD C. CARDEN (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Lemuel C. Carden, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861,Company D, 22nd Ga. Brigade. Died of fever, February 1, 1863. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #749, lists Leonard Carden, age 18, in home of Reuben & Racheal Carden, using post office at Fancy Hill.

JOHN L. CARDER (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Rappahanock, Virginia, November 7, 1863. Died. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John L. Carder, enlisted as Private, Company C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861. Wounded at Rappahannock, Virginia 1862. Died on December 5, 1862. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #361, lists John Carder, age 22, in home of Joseph & Lovina Terry, using post office at Rock Creek.

ANDREW CARTER (Private). Military service records contain this information: Andrew Carter, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died of disease at hospital in Cynthiana, Kentucky September 12, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #349, lists Andrew Carter, 27, in home of Elisabeth Carter, using post office at Rock Creek.

WILLIAM E. CHAMPION (Private, promoted to 1st Sergeant). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William E. Champion, Private enlisted September 3, 1861. 1st Sergeant April 13, 1862. Died of fever in Ladies' Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia, May 18,1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #328 lists him as age 22, living in household of John P. Champion, using post office at Rock Creek.

WILLIAM H. CHAPPELL (Private). Military service records contain this information: William Chappell, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died of disease in hospital at Knoxville, Tennessee, October 14, 1862. Military unit roster listed him as William H. Chappell. Murray County Census 1850 lists William H. Chappell, age 15, in home of Thomas and Margaret Chappell.

JOHN NEAL CLEVELAND (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed somewhere in Virginia in 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. Cleveland enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Infantry Regiment Georgia, June 15, 1863. Killed at Winchester, Virginia, June 15, 1863. Murray County Census 1860 lists John Cleveland, age 17, in home of Thomas and Elisabeth Cleveland, using post office at Center Valley.

WILLIAM CLEVELAND (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Malvern Hill, near Petersburg, Virginia. Died from wounds 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Cleveland, enlisted as Private, Company C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861. Died of typhoid pneumonia May 13, 1862 in Charlottesville, Virginia. Buried there in Confederate cemetery Murray County Census 1860 lists three possible Murray County families with a William Cleveland that could have served. William (age 48), wife Anna, son William R. H. Cleveland (age 14), visitation #199, using post office at Woodlawn. Since both of the preceding men were alive when the 1870 Census was recorded, that leaves only one other William Cleveland (age 28), wife Hannah, visitation #645, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

THOMAS W. COBB (Private). Military service records contain this information: Thomas Cobb, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died in hospital at Huntsville, Alabama, May 21, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists Thomas W. Cobb, age 2, in home of Jack and Susan Cobb.

W. A. COCHRAN (Private). No records found in Murray County Courthouse. Military service records contain this information: W. A. Cochran, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Wounded at Seven Pines, Virginia May 31, 1862. Died of wounds, June 25, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #16, lists W. A. Cochran, age 16, in household of Robert and Sarah Cochran, using post office at Spring Place.

JAMES COFFEE (Private). Service began September 1862. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James Coffee, Private enlisted May 16, 1862, Company E, 60th Ga Infantry Regt. Died from disease at Danville, Virginia, January 1, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #844, lists James Coffee, age 30, in household of Elisha and Mary Coffee, using post office at Conasauga.

WILLIAM N. COFFEY (Private). Military service records contain this information: William Coffee, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Georgia, September 5, 1864. Died of typhoid fever while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois, April 30, 1865. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #67, lists Wm. N. Coffey, in home of Elijah and Nancy Coffey, using post office at Spring Place.

ADOLPHUS E. COLE (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Killed 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Some documents list him as D. E. Cole, others as Dolph E. Cole, enlisted Private July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia, August 30, 1862. Killed at Campbell Station, Tennessee, November 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #859, shows his age as 35, wife, Maranor, using post office at Cohutta Springs.

THOMAS COLE (Private). Military service records contain this information: Thomas Cole, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died in hospital at Ringgold, Georgia, December 19, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists Thomas Cole, age 9, in home of William and Lucy Cole.

ARTHUR COMPTON (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed in South Carolina. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Arthur Compton, enlisted as Private, Company H, 36th Ga, April 24, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863. Paroled July 9, 1863. Killed at Bentonville, NC, March 25, 1865. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #196, shows his age as 19, living in household of John and Nancy Compton, using post office at Woodlawn.

DAVID CONNALLY (2ND Lieutenant). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Died of Diarrhea in Mississippi, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: David Connally, Company A, 39th Ga. Junior 2nd Lieutenant, February 25, 1862. 2nd Lieutenant, December 3, 1862. Wounded 1863. Died of wounds at Raleigh, Mississippi, July 27, 1863. In the Murray County, Georgia, Census of 1850, he is one of six sons of Samuel W. and Purrena Connally. One of the sons died in 1853, before the war began. The remaining five sons all died in the conflict. In Murray's Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cemetery gravestones mark the graves of Samuel W. Connally, Pyrene Connally, and Drewry B. Connally. Several adjacent, unused grave sites, now enclosed with fieldstones, probably were intended for the sons who never came home. Note the different spellings of names, especially the mother. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #321, lists: David, age 23, in home of Samuel W. & Pyseane Connally, using post office at Rock Creek.

FRANCIS M. CONNALLY (1st Sergeant, promoted to Lieutenant March 1862, then to Captain August 1862). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Wounded Malvern Hill, near Petersburg, Virginia. Died of fever August 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: F. M. Connally, enlisted as 1st Sgt, September 3, 1861, 2nd Lieutenant, January 1862. 1st Lieutenant, June 13, 1862. Captain, June 13, 1862. (Yes, dates were the same on official records.) Died of fever at Petersburg, Virginia, August 6, 1862. In the Murray County, Georgia, Census of 1850, he is one of six sons of Samuel W. and Purrena Connally. One of the sons died in 1853, before the war began. The remaining five sons all died in the conflict. In Murray's Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cemetery gravestones mark the graves of Samuel W. Connally, Pyrene Connally, and Drewry B. Connally. Several adjacent, unused grave sites, now enclosed with fieldstones, probably were intended for the sons who never came home. Note the different spellings of names, especially the mother. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #321, lists: Francis M., age 22, in home of Samuel W. & Pyseane Connally, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN W. CONNALLY (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed by Woody Scouts. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Connally in one place, John W. Connally in another. Private in Company A, 37th Ga. In the Murray County, Georgia, Census of 1850, he is one of six sons of Samuel W. and Purrena Connally. One of the sons died in 1853, before the war began. The remaining five sons all died in the conflict. In Murray's Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cemetery gravestones mark the graves of Samuel W. Connally, Pyrene Connally, and Drewry B. Connally. Several adjacent, unused grave sites, now enclosed with fieldstones, probably were intended for the sons who never came home. Note the different spellings of names, especially the mother. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #321, lists: John, age 16, in home of Samuel W. & Pyseane Connally, using post office at Rock Creek.

NATHANIEL EDWIN CONNALLY (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed somewhere in Virginia in May 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: some list him as N. E. Connally, others as Nathan Edwin Connally, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Born in Murray County, Georgia, March 16, 1833. Killed at Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863. This man was the son of Thomas "Cushi" and Mary C. Connally. Murray County Census records, visitation #371, lists: Nathanial Connally, age 27, in the home of Thomas and Mary Connally, using post office at Rock Creek.

PHILOW CONNALLY (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Wounded at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Killed at Decatur, Georgia during the Atlanta Campaign of 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Philo W. Conley, Private, Company A, 37th Ga. and also Company B. Wounded at Chickamauga, Georgia, September 19, 1863. POW July 1864 at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia. Although his name was not found in the 1860 Census of Murray County, he was listed in 1850 as: Philow, age 10, in home of Nathanial & Mary Connally at Rock Creek.

SAMUEL P. CONNALLY (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Samuel Conneley, Private, Company A, 37th Ga. Brigade. In the Murray County, Georgia, Census of 1850, he is one of six sons of Samuel W. and Purrena Connally. One of the sons died in 1853, before the war began. The remaining five sons all died in the conflict. In Murray's Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cemetery gravestones mark the graves of Samuel W. Connally, Pyrene Connally, and Drewry B. Connally. Several adjacent, unused grave sites, now enclosed with fieldstones, probably were intended for the sons who never came home. Note the different spellings of names, especially the mother. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #321, lists: Samuel Connally, age 13, in home of Samuel W. & Pyseane Connally, using post office at Rock Creek.

THOMAS C. CONNALLY (Private). Service began May 1863. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Captured at Philadelphia, Tennessee during fighting from October 15-25, 1863. Died Philadelphia, Tennessee, July 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas Connally, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private in Co. B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment, June 13, 1861. Transferred to Co. A, 37th Infantry Regiment Georgia May 6, 1863. In the Murray County, Georgia, Census of 1850, he is one of six sons of Samuel W. and Purrena Connally. One of the sons died in 1853, before the war began. The remaining five sons all died in the conflict. In Murray's Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cemetery gravestones mark the graves of Samuel W. Connally, Pyrene Connally, and Drewry B. Connally. Several adjacent, unused grave sites, now enclosed with fieldstones, probably were intended for the sons who never came home. Note the different spellings of names, especially the mother. Murray County Census records, visitation #470, list him as Thomas C. Connelly,age 32, wife Mary, using post office at Rock Creek. Census records of 1850 indicate that he was the son of Samuel W. & Pyseane Connally.

J. MARION COOK (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. M. Cook, enlisted Private May 16, 1862, Company E, 60th Ga. Died of disease in Staunton, Virginia, August 7, 1862. Buried there at Thornrose Cemetery. Murray County Census of 1850 lists James M. Cook, age 16, in home of Giddathy & Mary Cook.

J. SILIANIS COUCH (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from diseases. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Since this was the only man in Company E, 60th Georgia, with family name Couch, it seems logical to assume this record is for the man in question. Same family name, same military unit, same service date, and same cause of death. J. Couch enlisted in Co E, 60th Georgia, September 19, 1862. He died of disease at home on September 15, 1862. Was raised in a part of Murray County that became Whitfield County in 1852. Was from Murray County.

THOMAS C. CRAWFORD (Private). Military service records contain this information: Thomas Crawford, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 3rd Battalion Infantry, February 15, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, 37th Infantry, May 6, 1863. Died at Atlanta, Georgia, September 2, 1863. Murray County Census 1860 lists Thomas C. Crawford, age 27, wife Mary, using post office at Spring Place.

GEORGE T. CREEKMORE (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Died at Jackson, Mississippi. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: George T. Creekmore, enlisted as Private, Company H, 36th Ga, April 24, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 lists George T. Creekmore, age 15, in home of William & Nancy Creekmore.

LEANDER W. CROOK (Captain). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Died at Lenore Station, Tennessee, where fighting took place November 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Leander W. Crook, Captain, Company A, 39th. Died at his home in Whitfield County, Georgia, November 27, 1862. Whitfield Census 1860 lists Leander Crook, age 39, wife Rebecca, with son, age 2, named Leander W. Crook. Originally from Murray County.

GARRISON CROSS (Private). No documents in Murray County Courthouse. Military service records contain this information: Garrison Cross, Private, enlisted April 24, 1862, Company H. 36th Regt, Ga Infantry. Died November 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #32, lists Garrison Cross, age 32, wife Sophie, using post office at Center Valley.

WILLIAM A. CROUCH (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: W. A. Crouch, Private, Company H, 36th Ga. Murray County 1850 lists William, age 6, in home of William Crouch, age 67.

BENJAMIN CURD (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed somewhere in Virginia in 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Listed as B. Curd and Benjamin Curd, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Wounded Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, died from wounds in 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #814, shows his age as 33, his wife as Ann, and they used the post office at Conasauga.

WILLIAM L. DAVIS (Private). Service began 1862. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of dysentery 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Too many men with same name or initials. Murray County Census 1860 lists 3 households with men who might have been this person, unable to determine which had died in service. The one with wife named Mary died after the war and is buried beside her in Spring Place Cemetery.

ISRAEL C. DICKERSON (Private). Enlisted as a Private, Company F, 2nd Georgia Infantry Regiment, April 18, 1861. He was then a resident of Cherokee County, Georgia. He died in a hospital at Richmond, Virginia, May 31, 1862, was buried in Oakwood Cemetery there. He never married. This man's family was listed in the 1834 State Census for Murray County under the name of his father, Nelson Dickerson. They had lived in Hall County, Georgia in 1830 and were living in Cherokee County, Georgia in 1840. It is probable that they had moved to Murray soon after 1830 because Nelson was well enough established and known here that he was selected to serve as foreman of the jury for Murray County's first murder trial in 1834. Family members think that they probably remained in Murray until after this man was born, in either 1837 or 1838. His parents were Nelson and Rebecca (Evans) Dickerson.

NELSON L. DICKERSON (Sergeant to Captain). Military records indicate that Nelson Dickerson enlisted as a First Sergeant, Co. F, 2nd Georgia Infantry Division, April 18, 1861. He was promoted to Full 1st Lieutenant on April 28, 1862. Promoted to Full Captain on August 30, 1862. He was killed July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Family records indicate that he is thought to have been initially buried in a mass grave at Gettysburg, then moved after the war to Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. This man's family was listed in the 1834 State Census for Murray County under the name of his father, Nelson Dickerson. They had lived in Hall County, Georgia in 1830 and were living in Cherokee County, Georgia in 1840. It is probable that they had moved to Murray soon after 1830 because Nelson was well enough established and known here that he was selected to serve as foreman of the jury for Murray County's first murder trial in 1834. It is thought that this man, born about 1832, was born in Murray County. His parents were Nelson and Rebecca (Evans) Dickerson. His full name in family records was Nelson Lumpkin Dickerson. He married Louise Jane Barton, January 1, 1860 in Cherokee County and they had two daughters.

LEVI DUNN (Private). A grave marker in Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery reads: Levi Dunn, 1838-1862, Private Co. "E", 5th Regiment Tenn. Cavalry, C.S.A. Murray County Census 1860 lists Levi Dunn, age 22, in home of William and Mary P. Dunn.

SOLON F. EARNEST (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: S. F. Earnest, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Murray County Census 1850 lists Solon F. Earnest, age 9, in home of Mary Earnest.

TOM POLK EDMONDSON (2nd Lieutenant, promoted to Captain 1863, promoted to Major 1864). Service began May 1862. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Pullen's Ferry (near Calhoun), Georgia, April 3, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas Polk Edmondson, Major, Company C, 11th Infantry Regiment. Killed at Pullen's Ferry, near Calhoun, Georgia, April 3, 1865. Buried in Spring Place Cemetery. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #156, lists him as Thomas K. Edmondson, age 16, living in household of James and Rebeca Edmondson. The family then resided in the Vann House, at Spring Place.

GEORGE C. ELROD (Private). Service began June 1862. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, where fighting lasted November 23-25, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: listed as George Elrod on some documents and George C. Elrod on others, enlisted as Private, Company B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment, June 15, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, 37th Infantry Regiment, May 6, 1863. Died Atlanta, Georgia, December 26, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #213, lists him at George C. Elrod, wife, Mary, using post office at Woodlawn.

COMMODORE D. EPPS (Private). A grave marker in Epps Family Cemetery, Murray County, Georgia, reads: Commodore D. Epps, died December 20, 1863. C. S. A. Soldier died from wounds received in the Battle of Chickamauga in September 1863. Military records indicate that he was a private in Co. F, 6th Georgia Volunteer Cavalry. He was married to Catherine Ridley Epps, whose grave is beside his.

JOHN WESLEY EVANS (Captain). Military service records contain this information: John Evans enlisted as a Captain in Co. G, 1st Infantry Regiment Georgia, March 18, 1861, at Augusta, Georgia. Commission in Company S, 64th Infantry Regiment Georgia May 26, 1863. Promoted to Full Colonel May 26, 1863. Killed at Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864. Family history indicates that he came to Murray County to attend some business for his father, who owned land here. He met Lucy Beck and they married. Murray County Census 1850 lists John W. Evans, age 22, wife Lucy A. Evans.

WILLIAM M. EVETT (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Philadelphia, Tennessee, during fighting that lasted October 15-25, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Probably is William Evett, Private, Company E, 11th Georgia Cavalry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #98, lists him as William Evett, wife Adaline, using post office at Spring Place.

ABRAHAM FAITH (Co. F, 12th Cavalry Regiment Georgia). No service records found. Family history indicates that his wife, Sara Jane, learned that he was seriously ill near Adairsville, Georgia. She rode a horse to where his unit was encamped and brought him home, where he died of pneumonia. Murray County Census 1850 lists Abraham Faith, age 22.

JOSEPH I. FIELD (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Joseph I. Fields, Private, enlisted July 3, 1861. Sent to hospital February 27, 1862, no later entries. Murray County Census of 1860 lists: Joseph Field, age 19, in home of James J. & Elisabeth Field, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

WILLIAM M. FINCHER (Private, promoted to 1st Sergeant 1862). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Calhoun, Georgia, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Local historians think that this man died at Pullen's Ferry, near Calhoun, April 3, 1865, along with Tom Polk Edmondson and Presley Seay. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #85, lists him as William M. Fincher, age 24, living in household of Elias Fincher, using post office at Spring Place.

SALABEG GILREATH (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: One place the name is S. Gilbreath, in another it is S. C. Gilbreath, Private, Co D, 22nd Ga. Died at Portsmouth, Virginia, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #19, lists Salabeg Gilreath, age 16, living in household of Jesse and Letty Gilreath, using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM J. GLADDEN (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, during fighting December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William J. Gladden, Private, Company B, 3rd Battalion Georgia Infantry. Transferred to Co. A, 37th Ga. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #48, lists him as William Gladden, age 47, wife Mary, using post office at Spring Place.

ELI J. GLOVER (Co. C, 39th Ga. Infantry Regiment). Military service records contain this information: Eli J. Glover enlisted as Private in Co. C, 39th Infantry Regiment Georgia, March 10, 1862. Sent to hospital at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, July 16, 1862. No later record. Family records indicate that he died at the hospital the day he was admitted, July 16, 1862. Murray County Census 1860 lists Eli J. Glover, age 12, in home of John J. and Cathren Glover, using post office at Spring Place.

THOMAS C. GRAY (Private). A grave marker in Spring Place Cemetery reads: Pvt. Thomas C. Gray, Co. A, 39th Regt Ga Inf, C.S.A., 1822-1863. Military service record lists F. C. Gray (instead of T. C.), enlisted as Private, Co A, 39th Infantry Regiment, August 1, 1863. Died Atlanta, Georgia, October 2, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #405, lists Thomas C. Gray, age 38, wife Mary E., using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM R. GRAY (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Wounded Atlanta, Georgia. 1864. Died in hospital. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William R. Gray, Private, Company A, 39th Ga. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #406, William R. Gray, age 28, wife Eliza, using post office at Spring Place.

ALFRED GREEN (Private). Military service records contain this information: Alford Green, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died August 15, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #409, lists Alfred Green, age 24, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES M. GREEN (Private). A grave marker in Bates Cemetery, Eton, Georgia reads: James M. Green, died July 30, 1862, Bridgeport, Tenn. C. S. A. Military records indicate that he enlisted as Private, Co. D, 55th Georgia Infantry Regiment, May 12, 1862. He died of measles at Bridgeport, Tenn., July 30, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #410, lists J. M. Green, age 29, with wife, Elisabeth, using post office at Rock Creek.

ALLEN GRIFFIN (Private). Co. C, 11th Infantry Regiment Georgia. Service began July 3, 1861. Musician. Died of wounds September 3, 1862. Military service records contain this information: Allen Griffin, residence Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as a Fifer on July 3, 1861, Co. C, 11th Infantry Regiment Georgia. Murray County Census 1850 lists Allen Griffin in home of Allen and Elizabeth Griffin. Their son, David Griffin was killed during the war.
DAVID M. GRIFFIN (Corporal) Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Manassas, Virginia, 1862. Killed somewhere in Virginia in 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: David M. Griffin, enlisted as Private, Co. C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861, promoted to Corporal. Killed in Virginia, August 25, 1864. His unit was in battle at Wilderness, Virginia on that date. Murray County Census 1850 lists David Griffin, age 8, in home of Allen and Elizabeth Griffin. His father, Allen Griffin, also died while serving in the Confederate Army.

MARTIN VAN BUREN HALL (Private). (Co. E, 39th Georgia Volunteers Infantry Regiment). Enlisted as private. Died June 18, 1864, while a prisoner-of-war at Rock Island, Illinois. Is buried there. Grave marker reads: M. V. Hall, Co. F, 3rd Confederate Cavalry, C.S.A. He was one of 7 brothers, sons of Drury R. and Martha Hall, who lived in Murray's Bloody Eighth District. He is listed in the Murray County Census 1850 as Martin V. B. Hall, age 10, in home of Drewry R. and Martha Hall. Murray Census 1860 lists him at age 18, in the home of his mother.

ROBERT L. HALL (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, where name is clearly written as R. S. Hall. Military service records contain this information: Robert L. Hall, enlisted Private July 3, 1861,Company C, 11th Infantry. Died in General hospital, April 15, 1862. He was one of 7 brothers, sons of Drury R. and Martha Hall, who lived in Murray's Bloody Eighth District. The Murray Census 1850 listed Robert, age 17, in the home of Drewry R. and Martha Hall. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #508, Robert Hall, age 26, wife Nancy, using post office at Holly Creek.

WILLIAM A. HALL (4th Sergeant). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Died in Kentucky in 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: W. A. Hall, 4th Sergeant, Company H, 36th Ga. On one unit roster his name appeared as William A. Hall. Died in Kentucky in 1862. Census of 1860 lists: W. A. Hall, age 24, wife, Mira, using post office at Holly Creek.

WILLIAM HAMPTON (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Died of measles. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Hampton, enlisted as Private, Company H, 36th Ga, April 24, 1862. Died June 28, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #247, shows his age as 17, living in household of Morgan and Margaret Hampton, using post office at Woodlawn.

ROBERT HARRIS, JR. (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died in 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Robert Harris, Jr., Private, Co E, 60th Ga. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Buried in Confederate Cemetery at Hagerstown, Maryland. The Murray County Census, visitation #790, lists Robert Harris, age 18, in home of John & Nancy Harris, using post office at Conasauga.

JOHN H. HAWKS (Private). Served with Co. K, 39th Infantry Regt. (The Walker County Volunteers). He was captured at Chattachoochee, Georgia, July 4, 1864. He died of inflamation of the lungs while a Prisoner-of-war at Camp Douglas, Illinois, September 5, 1864. The 1850 Census listed John, age 2, in Murray County home of his parents, Robert and Agnes Hawks. John's brother Wiley also died in the war.

WILEY T. HAWKS (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Wiley T. Hawks, Private, enlisted September 10, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died at Camp Sam Jones near Centreville, Virginia, January 25, 1862. Wiley's brother John also died in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #560, lists him as Wiley Hawks, living in household of Robert and Agnes Hawks, using post office at Holly Creek.

FRANCIS HEAD (Private). Military service records contain this information: Francis Head, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. C, 11th Infantry Georgia, December 31, 1861. Substitute for D. Taliaferro. Transferred to Co. G, January 1, 1862. Died of fever February 5, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists F. Head, age 3, home of John C. and Elizabeth Head.

FRANCIS M. HEMBREE (Private). . Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Francis M. Hembree, enlisted as Private, March 1, 1862, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died of Pneumonia at Lynchburg, Virginia hospital, July 10, 1862. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery, No. 10, 5th Line, Lot 161. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #636, shows his age as 18, living in the household of James M. Hembree, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

JOHN HENDERSON (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Captured by Union Army at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1862. Exchanged in 1863. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Henderson, enlisted as Private, March 10, 1862, Company A, 39th Ga. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #9, shows his age as 18, living in household of Benjamin Henderson, using post office at Spring Place.

JOSEPH J. HENDERSON (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Captured by Union forces at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1862. Exchanged in 1863. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Joseph Henderson, enlisted as Private, August 1, 1862, in Company A, 39th Ga. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #8, lists Joseph J. Henderson, age 17, living in household of Elizabeth Henderson, using post office at Spring Place.

JAMES HENRY (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at Winchester, Virginia, where there was fighting May 25, 1862 and again June 13-15, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: military records for another man named Henry in Co. E, 60th Infantry Regiment, had different enlistment date and different death date and place. No military records found for this man. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #921, lists: James Henry, age 47, wife Elisabeth, and son, James, age 13. Since the father was listed in the 1870 Census and the son was not, it was the son who died in the war. Family used the post office at Upper Kings Bridge.

JOHN A. HOGAN (Private). Military service records contain this information: John Hogan, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Infantry Regiment Georgia, March 10, 1862. Died of disease at Atlanta, Georgia, June 25, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery. Murray County Census 1850 lists John A. Hogan, age 27, wife Emeline.

LEMUEL HOLDER, JR. (Private). Service began June 13, 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Lemuel Holder enlisted as Private, Co. B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment. Transferred to Co. A, 37th Infantry Regiment, May 6, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #613, lists Lemuel Holder, age 20, in home of James and Frances Holder, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

EDWARD C. HOLMES (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died Franklin, Tennessee, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Name appears as E. C. Holmes and also as Edward Holmes, Private, Company B, 3rd Battalion Georgia Infantry. Died in Knoxville, Tennessee hospital November 6, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #172, lists as E. C. Holmes, age 34, wife Leah, using post office at Spring Place.

JAMES C. HOPPER (Private). Co. E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Service began September 1861. Died from disease in 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James Hopper enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Georgia, September 19, 1861. Died of disease at Isle of Hope, Georgia, February 4, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #565, lists James C. Hopper, age 16, in home of Charles and Elisabeth Hopper, using post office at Holly Creek.

JAMES T. HOWARD (Private). Military service records contain this information: James T. Howard enlisted as Private, Co. B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment on February 1, 1862. Transferred to 36th Regiment Georgia Infantry. Last appeared on roll June 1, 1862. Family history indicates that he died in 1862 at Knoxville, Tennessee but provides no details. James was one of four brothers who enlisted in the war. Murray County Census of 1850 lists the parents as George W. and Tiney Howard.

PHIDILLO C. HOWELL (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: P. C. Howell, enlisted July 3, 1861, Private, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died of disease in General Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, July 2, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #838, lists Phidillo C. Howell, age 28, in home of E. S. Howell, using post office at Conasauga.

JAMES E. HUFFMAN (Private). No records found in Murray County Courthouse. Military service records contain this information: J. E. Huffman enlisted Private September 3, 1861 Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade. Died of disease General Hospital #2, Lynchburg, Virginia, either July 9 or July 26, 1862. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery, No. 9, 5th Line, Lot 161. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #365, lists James E. Huffman, age 29, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES HUGG (Private). Military service records contain this information: James Hugg, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, July 5, 1862. Wounded at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, November 25, 1863. Died in Murray County, Georgia, no date listed. Murray County Census 1850 lists James Hugg, age 37, wife, Elizabeth.

JOSEPH P. HUNT (Sergeant). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Manassas, Virginia and at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Died of wounds July 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Joseph P. Hurt, enlisted as 3rd Sergeant, July 3, 1861, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant January 28 1862, promoted to 1st Lieutenant September 1, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #655, list him as J. P. Hunt, age 22, living in household of Riley and Marcelle Hunt, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

ANDREW J. HUNTER (rank and military unit unknown). No records found in Murray County Court House. Military records at National Archives list three men with this name from Georgia: one in Company G, 28th Georgia Infantry; another in Company C, 42nd Georgia Infantry; and another in Company I, 6th Georgia Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #275, lists: A. J. Hunter, age 26, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Rock Creek.

E. HUSE (Private). Service began June 1864. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Kennesaw, Georgia, June 27, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Also search for family names Hugh and Hughes. Probably not from Murray County.

JOHN R. ISABLE (Private). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died Atlanta, Georgia, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John R. Isbell, Private, Company A, 37th Ga. Died in Atlanta, Georgia, September 13, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #140, lists him as John R. Isable, age 26, in household of Joanah C. Isable, using post office at Spring Place.

BENJAMIN FLOYD JACKSON (4TH Corporal). Company B, 39th Infantry Regt. Not included in records at Murray County Courthouse. Military records indicate that he was in Company B, 39th Infantry. Killed at Chickamauga, Georgia, September 21, 1863. His parents took a wagon to Chickamauga, retrieved the body from the battlefield, and buried him in the Jackson Family Cemetery. Grave marker: Sacred to the memory of Benjamin F. Jackson, son of Wm. and Lucy Jackson. Was born Feby 26th 1845, departed this life Sept. 21st 1863. This man and next two were brothers, sons of William & Lucy White Morris Jackson; he grew up at the base of Fort Mountain, near present-day Chatsworth. Six brothers served in the Confederate Army.

EPPY W. JACKSON (1st Lieutenant, promoted to Captain). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Two versions of name, E. W. and Eppy W. Entered service as 1st Lieutenant, Co. C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861, promoted to Captain January 27, 1862. Killed at 2nd Manassass, Virginia, August 30, 1862. This man, preceding man, and next man were brothers, sons of William and Lucy White Morris Jackson; he grew up at the base of Fort Mountain, near present-day Chatsworth. Six brothers served in the Confederate Army. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #158, indicates he was 22, using post office at Spring Place.

JOHN MORRIS JACKSON (Captain, promoted to Major March 1, 1863). Not included in records at Murray County Courthouse. Military records indicate that he enlisted as Captain, in Co. B, 10th State Troops Regt. Georgia on January 3, 1862. Mustered out May 1862. Promoted to Major March 1, 1863 when he was in Company A, 34th Georgia Infantry. He was killed at the battle of Jonesborough, Georgia, August 31, 1864. This man and preceding two were brothers, sons of William and Lucy White Morris Jackson; he grew up at the base of Fort Mountain, near present-day Chatsworth. Six brothers served in the Confederate Army.

ALBERT O. JOHNSON (rank unknown). A grave marker in New Prospect Cemetery reads: A. O. Johnson, Apr. 9, 1844, Apr. 3, 1862, Co. C, 11th Ga. Inf Regt. Military records confirm this information but contain no details of his death. Murray County Census 1860 lists only one man with family name Johnson, first name beginning with "A" and a birth year of 1844: Albert Johnson, age 16, in home of Kinney and Sarah Johnson, using the Holly Creek postoffice.

EVAN D. JOHNSON (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed somewhere in Virginia in 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: E. D. Johnson, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Wounded and captured at Seven Pines, Virginia May 31, 1862. Killed at 2nd Manassass, Virginia, August 27, 1862. Family records indicate that he married Mary Emiline Gilbert. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #595, lists him as Evan D. Johnson, age 25, wife Emiline, using post office at Holly Creek.

J. ALFRED JOHNSON (Private). Family records indicate that this man "died in Virginia during the War." Military records contain the following: Alfred Johnson enlisted as Private, Co. B, 22nd Infantry Georgia, September 3, 1861. Killed at Manassas Gap, Virginia, July 23, 1863. Murray County Census 1860 lists Alfred Johnson, age 33, wife Elizabeth. After Alfred's death his wife remarried; her gravestone in Williams Family Cemetery reads: Mary Read, wife of J. A. Johnson, April 12, 1838, March 9, 1925.

JOHN RANDOLPH JOHNSON (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded, died 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Randolph Johnson, enlisted as Private July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Wounded at Wilderness, Virginia, May 6, 1864. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #317, lists: John R. Johnson, age 26, in home of John & Nancy Johnson, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN W. JOHNSON (Private). Service began October 1863. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Captured during fighting that lasted October 15-25, 1863 at Philadelphia, Tennessee. Died at Rock Island Prison, Illinois. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: probably was John W. Johnson, entered service as 1st Lieutenant, promoted to Captain. Company F, 11th Georgia Infantry. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #435, listed John Johnson, age 33, wife Julia Ann, using post office at Holly Creek.

JOHN B. KEITH (Private). Co. A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Service began March 1862. Killed at Jonesborough. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Keith, enlisted December 16, 1861, as Private in Co. E, 10th State Troops Regiment, Georgia. Enlisted as Private in Co. A, 39th Georgia Infantry, March 10, 1862. Promoted to Corporal April 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi July 4, 1863, paroled there in July 1863. Killed at Jonesborough, Georgia August 31, 1864. Although it is unknown whether his body was actually returned to Murray County, in Eton Cemetery (Section A, row 17) a grave marker bears the following information: John B. Keith, Oct. 12, 1829, Aug. 31, 1864, Cpl, Co. "A". The gravestone beside his is inscribed: S. Keith, wife of John K., 1835-1913. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #666, lists John B. Keith, age 31, wife Sarino, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

REUBEN ROPER KEITH (2nd Lieutenant). Military service records contain this information: Reuben Keith enlisted as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. H, 36th Regiment Georgia Infantry, April 24, 1862. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant March 21, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863. Paroled July 9, 1863. Local family history indicates that some of General Wheeler's cavalry had retaken Dalton, then enroute to Tennessee, came to the Loughridge farm in Murray County, where they destroyed fences and crops, then stole all of the family's livestock (because they thought the family sympathized with the Union). The soldiers, upon learning that the husband of one of the Loughridge daughters, Mary Ann, was home on furlough from the Confederate Army to recover from serious illness, went to that nearby dwelling. Somehow they concluded that Reuben was malingering, and should have already returned to duty. It is uncertain whether they actually thought this or decided to further punish the Loughridge family by killing someone. They took Reuben from his bed, tied him to a horse, and took him away. The family later found his body and buried him in the Loughridge family cemetery at Eton, Georgia. His gravestone reads: R. R. Keith, Oct. 23, 1822, Aug. 15, 1864. Beside this grave another stone reads: Mary A. Keith, "his wife", May 5, 1828, Feb. 14, 1909.

JAMES W. KING (Private). Military service records contain this information: James W. King enlisted as Private, Co. D, 9th Regiment Ga. Sate Troops, December 11, 1861. Discharged, disability, December 21, 1861. Enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Regiment Ga. Infantry, April 24, 1862. Captured in 1862. Received near Vicksburg, Mississippi on board steamer Maria Denning for exchange, November 15, 1862. Died in Whitfield County, Georgia, December 16, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #610, lists James King, 18, in home of H. P. and Narcissus King, using post office at Holly Creek.

WILLIAM C. LACKEY (Private). A tombstone in Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery, Murray County, reads: Lackey, Pvt. William C. B-12/15/1839. Died 11/28/1861. Co E 4 Bn GA Vols CSA. Thanks to Phyllis Headrick Boyd for send this to the museum. Confederate military records indicate that he initially enlisted in Company E, 60th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, September 19, 1861. The same document states that he died of disease. He was listed in the 1860 Census as William C. Lackey, age 19, in home of William C. and Martha Lackey, using the post office at Fancy Hill.

JOHN H. LATCH (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where fighting lasted July 1-3, 1863. Died of wounds 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: some documents list him as John H. Latch, others as John H. Lance. Enlisted as Private, July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; captured at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Died there from wounds, July 22, 1863. The Murray County Census 1860, visitation #646, lists: John H. Latch, age 18, in household of James M. and Loucinda Latch, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

JOHN WESLEY LATCH (Co. B, 36th Georgia Volunteer Infantry). Military records list him as Wesley Latch. He enlisted as a Private, Co. B, 36th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, February 1, 1862. Killed in trenches at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 20, 1863. Family records indicate that he enlisted in the Confederate Army and was killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi. He reportedly was buried there. Murray County Census 1860 lists John W. Latch, age 34, wife Rebecca, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

WILLIAM JETER LEMONS (Private). Co. H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Baker's Creek. Military service records contain this information: Washington Lemons, Private, enlisted May 15, 1862, Company H, 36th Regt. Ga. Infantry. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 lists four children with family name Lemons, in household of William and Sarah Ray, using post office at Cohutta Springs. One of these was listed as William J. Lemons, age 12.

WILEY LENTZ (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Willis Lents enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Infantry Regiment Georgia on May 16, 1862. Died at Danville, Virginia hospital on July 9, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #87, Wiley Lentz, age 24, and lists his post office as Spring Place.

JEFFERSON W. LEONARD (3rd Sergeant). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jeff W. Leonard, enlisted as 3rd Sergeant, Company D, 22nd Ga. Appointed 1st Sergeant January 3, 1862, Junior 2nd Lieutenant, March 23, 1862, Captain September 29, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 listed Jefferson Leonard, age 17, in home of Isaac & Nancy Leonard, in Rock Creek area.

MILES W. LEWIS (Private). . Service began 1862. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during fighting July 1-3, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Miles W. Lewis, Company D, 22nd Ga., wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Died of wounds in Gettysburg Hospital, July 22, 1863. Originally buried at Gettysburg, his body was later moved with other Confederate dead to Savannah, Georgia. The minutes of the Savannah Ladies Memorial Association for April 20, 1872 reads: "During the year 101 bodies of Georgia soldiers were brought from Gettysburg and interred in Laurel Grove Cemetery. Expended for the same $410." Note: There are two cemeteries with the same name in Savannah. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #363, Miles W. Lewis, age 26, wife Anna, using post office at Rock Creek.

ROBERT LOGAN (Private). A grave marker in Old Summerhour Cemetery reads: Robert Logan, Pvt., Co. B, 4th Reg Ga Inf, C.S.A., Nov. 30, 1832 - Nov. 30, 1863. Although military service records were not found, the family history contains this information about his military service: Robert Logan, born about 1821, enlisted as Private, in Co. B, 4th Regiment Ga. Volunteers, CSA. He died of fever in an Atlanta, Georgia hospital November 30, 1863. These details are from Mary Ann (Moreland) Logan's application for a pension. County Census 1860, visitation #660, lists Robert Logan, age 37, wife Mary A., using post office at Hasslers Mills.

I. WILY LOONEY (Private). Military service records contain this information: I. Looney, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. C, 11th Infantry Georgia, no date listed. Died at Lynchburg, Virginia, February 13, 1863, and is buried there, Cemetery #1, 5th Line, Lot 195. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #74, lists Wily Looney, age 18, in home of John H. and Margret Walls, using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM R. LOUGHRIDGE (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Killed August 30, 1862 at the Second Battle of Manassas, Virginia (also called 2nd Bull Run). Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Loughridge, enlisted Private, July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #691, William R., age 22, in home of Mary Ann Loughridge, using post office at Holly Creek.

WILLIAM LOVE (rank and military unit unknown). No record found in Murray County Court House. Information found elsewhere indicates he was born in Murray County and died while serving during the Civil War. Murray County Census of 1850 lists two men with this name: William J. Love and William T. Love. The man who died in the war was William J. Love, his wife was Elizabeth.

JOHN LUFFMAN (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Luffman, enlisted as Private, Company C, 11th Infantry, March 1, 1862. Died of disease at Medical College, Richmond, Virginia May 15, 1862. Buried Hollywood Cemetery, Section G, Number 82, Richmond, Virginia. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #519, shows John, age 21, in household of Mark H. And Larthena Luffman, using post office at Holly Creek.

ANDREW JOSHUA MARTIN (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of Smallpox 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. Martin, Private, Company C, 11th Infantry. This family had three sons to die in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #608, lists Andrew J. Martin, age 17, in home of Alexander and Sallie Martin, using post office at Holly Creek.

GILFORD E. MARTIN (Private). Co. A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Service began March 1862. Died Va(?). Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Gilford Martin, Private, enlisted March 10, 1862, Co. A, 39th Ga. Infantry. Records contain no details of his death. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 609, lists Gilford E. Martin, age 40, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Holly Creek.

JONATHAN MARTIN (Private). Company C, 11th Infantry Regiment Georgia. Military service records contain this information: J. Martin enlisted as Private, Co. C, 11th Infantry Georgia, July 1, 1861. Wounded October 16, 1862. Wounded January 1863. No later record. This family had three sons to die in the war. Family records indicate that he died in the Civil War, probably from wounds. They indicate that he was married to Mary Caroline Loughridge and they had a son, William Clinton Martin. Murray County Census 1860 lists: Jonathen Martin, age 24, wife Mary C., using post office at Holly Creek.

VANBUREN MARTIN (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Rappahannock, Virginia, 1862. Killed 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Van Buren Martin, Private enlisted July 3, 1861. Wounded Rappahannock, Virginia, August 23, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. National Archives lists him as Van B. Martin, Private, Company C, 11th Infantry. This family had three sons to die in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #608, lists: Vanburen Martin, age 19, in home of Alexander and Sallie Martin, using post office at Holly Creek.

JOHN A. MASTERS (Private). Military service records contain this information: John Masters, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died July 15, 1862. John's brother Winston also died in the war. Murray County Census 1850 lists John A. Masters, age 16, in home of James and Jane Masters.

WINSTON MASTERS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Winston Masters, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, November 23, 1863. Winston's brother, John, also died in the war. Murray County Census 1860 lists Winston A. Masters, age 17, in home of James and Jane Masters.

SAMUEL MATHEWS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Samuel Mathews, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Admitted to hospital September 17, 1864. Died from wounds September 18, 1864. Murray County Census 1850 lists Samuel Mathews, age 25, wife Mary.

LEWIS MATHIS (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Seven Pines, Virginia, in fighting May 31-June 1, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Lewis Mathis, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, September 3, 1861. Wounded at Seven Pines, Virginia, May 31, 1862. Died there from wounds, June 25, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #340, lists his age as 18, and his post office as Rock Creek.

BENJAMIN L. McALISTER (Private). Military service records contain this information: Benjamin McAllister, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died of disease at his Murray County home, May 9, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists Benjamin L. McAlister, age 15, in home of Charles and Deborah McAlister (note that the family name in Census used one "L".)

ANDREW ADAIR McDONALD (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Knoxville, Tennessee in 1864. Killed in 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: A. A. McDonald, enlisted as Private July 3, 1861, in Co C, 11th Infantry. Killed at Wilderness, Virginia, May 6, 1864. Family history indicates this man's full name was Andrew Adair McDonald, son of Collins and Narceno McDonald. He was listed in that family in 1850 Census. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #657, lists A. A. McDonald, age 44, wife Caroline, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

ANDREW J. McDONALD (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: A. J. McDonald, enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Ga, April 24, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 lists Andrew J. McDonald, age 8, living in the household of William D. and Arta McDonald.

JOHN ROSS McDONALD (Sergeant). The Georgia Archives included this in Confederate Soldiers of Georgia 1861-1865: John R. McDonald, enlisted as a Sergeant in Company A, 34th Georgia Infantry, May 15, 1862. Family history states that he died Aug 11, 1862, at home in Murray County, but circumstances of his death are not given. He was a brother to Andrew Adair McDonald, and son of Collins and Narceno McDonald with the family using the post office at Fancy Hill in 1860 Census.

VIRGIL A. McDONALD (Private). Co. C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Service began July 3, 1861. Killed 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Virgil A. McDonald enlisted as Private, July 3, 1861, Co. C, 11th Georgia Infantry. Captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863. Died while a prisoner-of-war at Point Lookout, Maryland, January 31, 1865. Murray County Census 1850 lists Virgil A. McDonald, age 11, in home of Hugh and Mary McDonald.

JOHN H. McGAUGHEY (Private). Military service records contain this information: J. McGaughey, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, August 22, 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee November 25, 1863. Died while a prisoner-of-war at Rock Island, Illinois, February 2, 1864. Murray County Census 1840 lists family of Samuel McGaughey but that census did not list names of family members, only that of the head of the household. The 1850 Census listed John H. McGaughey, age 25, in home of James and Margaret Huff.

THOMAS B. McINTIRE (2nd Lieutenant). No record found in Murray County Courthouse. Military records indicate that he enlisted in Company H, 36th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, April 24, 1862. He was killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #265, lists: Thomas B. McIntire, age 20, in home of James L. & Mary McIntire, using post office at Woodlawn.

JOHN F. MITCHELL (Private). Military records indicate that John Mitchell enlisted as a Private in Co. B., 39th Georgia Infantry, March 10, 1862, and that he died of disease on November 17, 1862, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Murray County Census of 1850 lists John F. Mitchell, age 9, in home of David and Keziah Mitchell.

GEORGE W. MONTGOMERY (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Captured by Union forces at Vicksburg, Mississippi 1862. Died at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: George W. Montgomery, Private, Company A, 39th Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #436, George W. Montgomery, age 19, living in household of Hiram and Milkey Montgomery, using post office at Holly Creek.

JOHN MORRIS (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Died at home in 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Morris, 4th Sergeant, March 10, 1862, Company A, 39th Georgia Volunteers. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #59, listed: John Morris, age 64, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Spring Place.

ANDREW J. MORRISON (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Died at Rock Island Prison, Illinois. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #298, Andrew J. Morrison, age 19, using post office at Rock Creek.

DAVID MULKEY (Recruit). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: D. Mulkey, Private, enlisted March 25, 1862, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died of disease at General Hospital Richmond, Virginia, July 5, 1862. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #600, lists David Mulkey, age 26, wife Elisabeth, using post office at Holly Creek.

ADAM NEAL (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Killed at Bridgeport, Alabama, September 23, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Adam Neal, some records spelled it Neill, enlisted as Private, Co A, 39th Ga. March 10, 1862 4th Corporal in 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 376, lists Adam Neal, age 38, wife Alesey, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES M. OGLESBY (Private). Military service records contain this information: James Oglesby, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died in hospital at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, October 28, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists James M., age 14, in home of Shadrack Oglesby.

JOHN N. OLIVER (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Oliver, Private, enlisted July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died of disease, General Hospital, July 10, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #777, lists John N. Oliver, age 28, wife Rebecca, using post office at Conasauga.

WILLIAM J. ONEILL (Private, promoted to Lieutenant). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed 1864, probably in either Virginia or Maryland, where his unit was in 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: W. J. O'Neal, Private promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Company E, 60th Georgia Brigade. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 716, William Oneill, age 17, living in household of John H. Oneill, using post office at Fancy Hill.

L. WILLIAM OSBORN (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Killed at Spring Place, Ga. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Murray County Census 1850 lists William Osborn, age 14, in home of David and Edna Osborn.

JAMES J. PACK (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from wounds, 1864, when his unit was in Virginia. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James J. Pack, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, September 20, 1861. Wounded at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Died of wounds in Jackson Hospital, Section 5, Number 341, Richmond, Virginia, October 2, 1864. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #319, James Pack, age 47, using post office at Rock Creek.

ROBERT SUIS PALMER (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Petersburg, Virginia, fighting from June 15-18, 1864, then Petersburg was under siege until April 2, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: R. S. Palmer, enlisted September 3, 1861, Private, Company D, 22nd Ga. Killed at Crater, near Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864. Robert had two brothers who died in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #713, lists: Robert Palmer, age 22, wife Frances, using post office at Fancy Hill.

THOMAS F. PALMER (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at Manassas, Virginia, in fighting August 28-30, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas Palmer, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Killed at 2nd Manassas, August 28, 1862. Thomas had two brothers who died in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #699, lists: Thomas F. Palmer, age 20, in home of John C. & Sarah Palmer, using post office at Fancy Hill.

WILLIAM R. PALMER (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed 1862, probably in either Virginia or Maryland, where his unit engaged in fighting that year. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: R. Palmer, enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Infantry Regiment, September 19, 1861. Killed at 2nd Manassas, August 28, 1862. William had two brothers who died in the war. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #699, lists: William R. Palmer, age 14, in home of John C. & Sarah Palmer, using post office at Fancy Hill.

HENRY PARKER (rank unknown, military unit unknown) No record in Murray County Courthouse. His tombstone in Tennga indicates that he died in 1862 while serving in the Confederate Army. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #154, lists: J. H. H. Parker, age 25, wife Mary J., using post office at Spring Place.

ISAAC PINKNEY PARROTT (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from fever 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. Pinkney Parrott, Private, Co D, 22nd Ga. Died of pneumonia, Hospital #2, Richmond, Virginia, February 25, 1863. Isaac had two brothers to die in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #350, lists: Isaac P. Parrott, 24, wife Mary, using post office at Rock Creek.

RUBEN PARROTT (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from dysentery 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Ruben Parrott, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga., September 3, 1861. Appointed 5th Serveant. Died of pneumonia at General Hospital #9, Richmond, Virginia, December 27, 1862. Ruben had two brothers who died in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 348, Ruben Parrott, age 27, in household of Josiah and Frances Parrott, using post office at Rock Creek.

WILLIAM H. PARROTT (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from fever 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Parrott, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, September 3, 1861. Died of disease at Hospital #2, Richmond, Virginia, February 25, 1863. William had two brothers to die in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 348, William H. Parrott, age 20, in household of Josiah and Frances Parrott, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES W. PAYNE (Private). Military service records contain this information: James Payne, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, March 10, 1862. Died of disease at Vicksburg, Mississippi, February 15, 1863. Murray County Census 1860 lists J. W. Payne, age 29, wife Carolyn, using post office at Rock Creek.

JESSE H. PEARCE (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Petersburg, Virginia in 1864. The fighting at Petersburg was June 15-18, 1864; the city remained under siege until April 2, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jessie H. Pearce, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga. Killed at Crater, near Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864. Jesse's brother Thomas also died in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 426, shows Jesse H., age 16, in household of John and Elisabeth Pearce, using post office at Holly Creek.

THOMAS S. PEARCE (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during battle July 1-3, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas Pearce, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, September 3, 1861. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Buried in National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Thomas had a brother, Jesse, who also died in the war. Murray County Census of 1850, lists Thomas S. Pearce, age 21, in home of Wiley and Sylvia Pearce.

CINCINNATUS C. PEEPLES (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Wounded at Barbersville, Ky. Died at Chattanooga. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Cincinnatus Peeples enlisted as Private, Co. B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment Georgia, date not listed. Died at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Murray County Census 1860 lists Cythanatus Peeples, 14, in home of Margrett Peeples, using post office at Rock Creek.

DREWRY MORTIMER PEEPLES (2ND Lieutenant). No record found in Murray County Courthouse. Military records indicate that he enlisted August 27, 1861, as a 2nd Lieutenant, Company D, 22nd Georgia. He later was listed as D. M. Peeples, on the roster of Murray Cavalry, Capt. Asher's Company. He was killed by Union Army troops at his home in Murray County on July 4, 1864. He is buried at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #337, lists D. M. Peeples, age 29, wife Margret, using post office at Rock Creek.

ROBERTSON PHILIPS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Robertson Phillips enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Regiment, Ga. Infantry, April 24, 1862. Died of disease September 1, 1863. Murray County Census 1850, visitation #1786, lists William R. Philips (spelled with one "l"), age 7, in home of Jane Philips.

WILLIAM E. PLEMONS (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from sickness. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William E. Plemons, Private, Enlisted May 1862, Company E, 60th Ga. He was son of Thomas and Emaly Plemons, and brother to John and Zack Plemons, of Fancy Hill. Although the courthouse records indicate that he died from sickness, the family history indicates that he died in fighting at Chickamauga. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 701, lists him at age 20, wife Margrett Plemons, using post office at Fancy Hill.

ABRAHAM POPHAM (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Killed at Franklin, Tenn. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Abraham Poppom, enlisted June 1861, Co B, 3rd Ga Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #177, lists Abraham Popham, age 23, in home of Rachel Popham, using post office at Spring Place.

ELISHA POPHAM (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Died at Cumberland Gap. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Elish Poppom, Pvt., service from June 1861, Co B, 3rd Ga Infantry. Murray County Census 1850 lists Elisha Popham, age 30, school teacher, in home of Nathaniel Magee.

J. BARNARD POTEET (Private). Military service records contain this information: J. B. Poteet enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Regiment Ga. Infantry, April 24, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 lists Barnard Poteet, age 21, wife, Sarah H.

HENRY C. PRICE (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed in 1864, probably in either Virginia or Maryland, where his unit was fighting. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: H. C. Price, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, 1864. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 539, lists Henry C. Price, age 16, in household of William and Alvina Price, using post office at Holly Creek.

GREEN PRINCE (Corporal). Military service records contain this information: Green Prince enlisted as a Corporal in Co. D, 6th Infantry Regiment, Alabama, May 15, 1861 at Montgomery. In hospital at Richmond, Virginia August 29 till September 29, 1862. Died December 2, 1862 from philthis pulmonalis. Believed buried in Richmond. The Murray County Census 1850 indicates that he was born about 1843 in Kentucky, but living in Murray County home of William D. and Arty M. Prince.

JAMES N. RAGAN (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Company E, 60th Ga. Unit records list two possible matches, both listed as J. Reagan and both killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863. Possibly was man listed in Murray County Census 1860, visitation 925, James N. Ragan, age 23, in household of Jefferson and Frances Ragan, using post office at Upper Kings Bridge.

JAMES T. RAY (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from dysentery 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James T. Ray, Private, Enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga. Died of disease while his unit was in Virginia in 1864. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 872, lists James, age 17, in household of T. L. And Sarah Ray, using post office at Cohutta Springs.

HEROD REAVES (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Malvern Hill, near Petersburg, Virginia, July 1, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Herod Reaves, Private, enlisted September 3, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga. Killed at Malvern Hill, Virginia, July 1, 1862. His military records indicate that he was from Murray County, Georgia. The Murray County Census 1850 lists 6 men named Reeves, any of whom could have had Herod as one of their given names.

WILLIAM C. REAVES (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from fever 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William C. Reaves, Private, Company D, 22nd Ga. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 647, lists William Reaves, age 34, wife Sarah, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

WILLIAM REDWINE (Private). Military service records contain this information: William Redwine, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, August 12, 1863. Captured at Jonesborough, Georgia, August 31, 1864. Died of smallpox while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois, November 28, 1864. Murray County Census 1850 lists William Redwine, age 30, wife Mary.

GEORGE W. RICHARDSON (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Philadelphia, Tennessee where fighting lasted October 15-25, 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Grave marker in Wilbanks-Reed Family Cemetery: G. W. Richardson, Aug. 15, 1844. Killed in battle at Philadelphia, Tenn. About October 20, 1863. 3rd Conf Cav, Co. F. Murray County Census 1860, visitation 310, list George W. Richardson, age 15, in household of Joseph and Harriett Richardson, using post office at Rock Creek.

G. W. RIDER (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: G. W. Rider, Private, Company C, 11th Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #703, lists G. W. Rider, age 17, in household of Christopher and Susanah Rider, using post office at Fancy Hill.

JAMES M. ROBERTS (Private). Military service records contain this information: James M. Roberts enlisted as Private in Co. H, 36th Regiment Georgia Infantry , April 24, 1862. Appointed 3rd Corporal May 1863. Captured near Nashville, Tennessee December 16, 1864. Died of Variola while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Chase, Ohio, February 7, 1865. Buried in Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery, Grave #1090. Family records indicate that he had lived in Murray County. The Census of 1860 listed James M. Robert, age 26, in home of James and Mary Roberts, living in Dalton, Whitfield County.

THOMAS ROBERTS (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at the Wilderness, Virginia, during fighting May 5-6, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Thomas Roberts, enlisted as Private, Company E, 60th Ga, September 19, 1861. Died June 10, 1864 (no details). Murray County Census 1860, lists Thomas, age 17, in household using post office at Holly Creek.

LEMUEL M. ROBINS (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Died at Chickamauga. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Some miliary documents listed him as Lemuel Robins, other as Lemial M. Robins, Private, began service June 1861, Co. B 37th Ga., died at Chickamauga, Georgia, September 20, 1863. Murray County Census 1850 lists Lemuel M. Robins, age 6, in home of John J. and Rebecca Robins.

WILLIAM H. (Bill) ROLLINS (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Killed at Dalton. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Rollins, Private, service began June 1861. Killed at Dalton, Ga., while serving in Co A, 39th Georgia Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #30, lists William H, age 15, in home of Calvin and Sarah Rollins, using post office at Spring Place.

JAMES A. ROREX (Sergeant). Co. E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Service from September 1862. Killed 1863 at Gettysburg. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. T. Rorex, enlisted as Private, Co. E, 60th Georgia Infantry. Killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 1863. Murray County Census 1850 listed him as James A. Rorex. The 1860 Census, visitation #893, lists James Rorex, age 16, in home of Joseph and Rossy Rorex, using post office at Upper Kings Bridge.

PRESLEY SEAY (Private). Service began March 1864. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Pullen's Ferry (near Calhoun), Georgia, April 3, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. No military service records were found. However, based on the date and place of death listed above, this man probably was killed while serving with Major Tom Polk Edmondson the day the Major was killed. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #150, lists Presley, age 15, in household of Thomas and Jenny Seay, using post office at Spring Place.

JOHN SMITH (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Died in hospital. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: From the dozens of men with this name who enlisted in Georgia, unable to determine which service records belonged to this man. Murray County Census records contained many possible matches, unable to determine whether any was correct match.

JAMES SMITHEY (Private). Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Service began April 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James Smithey, enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Georgia Brigade, April 24, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #167, lists James Smithey, age 22, in home of Malinda Smithey, using post office at Spring Place. His younger brother, Robert, also died at Baker's Creek.

ROBERT A. SMITHEY (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Captured at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863, and died at Jackson, Mississippi. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Robert A. Smithey, Company H, 36th Ga. Killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. His older brother, James, also died at Baker's Creek the same day. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #127, lists Robert Smithey, age 17, in household of Malinda Smithey, using post office at Spring Place.

THOMAS WILLIAM SPARKS (rank unknown). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, during fighting March 29 - May 18, 1863. Died in Mobile, Alabama. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William Sparks, Private, Company H, 36th Ga. Died of disease, July 25, 1863. Unit roster lists him as Thomas W. Sparks. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #724, lists William Sparks, age 24, wife Margrett, using post office at Fancy Hill.

JEREMIAH S. SPEARS (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from fever 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Jeremiah S. Spears, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, September 3, 1861. Died of disease at General Hospital #2, Lynchburg, Virginia, January 28, 1863. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery, No. 10, 1st Line, Lot 191. Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #385, lists Jeremiah Spears, age 18, in home of William & Jane Spears, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN N. STEED (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Died at home, furlough. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John N. Steed, Private, Co. B, 37th Ga Infantry, service began June 1861. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #32, lists John N. Steed, age 15, in home of W. H. And Telitha Steed, using post office at Spring Place. His brother Rufus also died in the war.

RUFUS C. STEED (Sergeant). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Died at Lexington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Rufus C. Steed, enlisted as 2nd Sergeant, Company B, 3rd Infantry, Ga, June 13, 1861. Died at Lexington, Kentucky hospital December 31, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #32, lists Rufus Steed, age 17, in household of W. H. Steed, using post office at Spring Place. His brother John also died in the war.

GEORGE W. STOCKBERGER (2nd Lieutenant). Military service records contain this information: George Stockberger, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as a 2nd Lieutenant, Co. B, 39th Infantry Regiment Georgia, March 10, 1862. Promoted to Full 1st Lieutenant December 1, 1863. Promoted to Full Captain June 22, 1864. Died of disease at Macon, Georgia, June 22, 1864. Murray County Census 1850 lists George W. Stockberger, age 13, in home of Jacob and Mary Stockberger.

DAVID STOVALL (Private). Military service records contain this information: David Stovall, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Infantry Regiment Georgia, May 10, 1862. Transferred on May 6, 1863 to Co. A, 37th Infantry Regiment Georgia. Died February 10, 1864. Murray County Census 1860 lists David J. Stovall, age 26, using post office at Spring Place.

DAVID A. STRAWN (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Malvern Hill, near Petersburg, Virginia, 1862, and at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863. Died of wounds 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: David A. Strawn, enlisted Private July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Corporal September 1, 1861. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #667, lists David A. Strawn, age 20, in household of Elisabeth Strawn, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

ROBERT BURTON STROUD (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Petersburg, Virginia where fighting lasted June 15-18, 1864; the city remained under siege until April 2, 1865. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: R. Burton Stroud, Private, Company E, 10th Regiment Georgia State Troops December 16, 1861. Mustered out May 1862. Enlisted Private, Company D, 22nd Ga Infantry May 11, 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Killed at Petersburg, Virginia, July 1864. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #379, lists Robert B. Stroud, age 21, in household of John and Delila Stroud, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN A. SUGGS (Private). Military service records contain this information: John A. Suggs enlisted as Private, Co. A. 34th Georgia Infantry, May 15, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Georgia September 4, 1864. Taken to Louisville, Kentucky, then to Camp Douglas, Illinois on October 29, 1864. He died while a prisoner-of-war of smallpox at Camp Douglas, December 8, 1864, and was buried there. Murray County Census lists John A. Suggs, age 18, in home of James and Polly Suggs, using post office at Holly Creek. John appears to have been a brother to Loring Suggs, who also died during the war.

LORING SUGGS (Private). Military service records contain this information: Loring Suggs, enlisted as private, Co. A, 34th Georgia Infantry, May 15, 1862. Died at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Murray County Cenus 1860 lists Loring Suggs, age 17, in home of James and Polly Suggs, using post office at Holly Creek. Loring appears to have been a brother to John A. Suggs, who also died during the war.

GEORGE W. TERRY (Private). Found no record in Murray County Courthouse. Military records: George W. Terry, Private, enlisted March 10, 1862, Company A, 39th Ga. Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, November 25, 1863. He was son of William Terry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #623, lists George W. Terry, age 17, in the household of William and Julia Terry, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

DAVID THOMAS (Sergeant). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Killed at Jonesborough, Georgia, in fighting August 31-September 1, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: David Thomas, enlisted as Private, Company A, 39th Ga., March 10, 1862 Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863. Paroled July 8, 1863. 3rd Sergeant September 15, 1863. Killed at Jonesborough, Georgia August 31, 1864. He is thought to have been son of William and Rachel Thomas who were living in Gilmer County in 1850. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #567, shows David Thomas, age 22, wife Amanda, using post office at Holly Creek.

GEORGE WADDY THOMAS (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease 1863. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Died Richmond, Virginia, June 25, 1864. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Section V, Number 146, Richmond, Virginia. Murray County Census of 1850 lists: Waddy Thomas, age 38, wife Elizabeth.

WILLIAM C. THOMAS (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Killed 1864, probably somewhere in Virginia, the only state his unit listed as having served that year. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: William C. Thomas, enlisted as Private, July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Corporal December 1, 1862. Sergeant (no date). Murray County Census of 1860, visitation #566, lists: William Thomas, age 47, wife Racheal, using post office at Holly Creek.

JOHN W. THOMPSON (Private). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at Fredericksburg, Virginia December 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. W. Thompson, Private, Company E, 60th Ga. Killed Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #261, lists John Thompson, age 26, using post office at Woodlawn.

JOHN L. TRIMERER (2nd Sergeant). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died of consumption at Norfolk, Virginia, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. L. Trimmier, enlisted as 2nd Sergeant, Company D, 22nd Ga. September 3, 1861. Died of disease at Norfolk, Virginia July 24, 1862. Although the body probably was never returned, this man has a grave marker in the Old Summerhour Cemetery near Eton, Georgia. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #904, lists John L. Trimerer, age 21, in household of M. T. And Rachel Trimerer using post officer at Upper Kings Bridge.

JAMES M. TUCKER (Corporal). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Manassas, Virginia, during fighting August 28-30, 1862. Died of wounds, September 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: J. Tucker enlisted as 4th Corporal in Co. C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #826, lists James M. Tucker, age 23, using post office at Conasauga.

PRICE TURNER (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Wounded at Resaca, Georgia, battle of May 14-15, 1864. Died in hospital. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Price Turner, enlisted as Private, March 10, 1862, Company A, 39th Ga. Killed at Resaca, Georgia, May 14, 1864. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #109, lists Price Turner, age 34, wife Margaret, using post office at Spring Place.

SAMUEL M. TYR (Private). Service began April 1862. Company H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade. Died at Mobile, Alabama. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Samuel Miller Tye, enlisted as Private, Co. H, 36th Ga., April 24, 1862. Captured near Lexington, Kentucky, October 16, 1862. Exchanged. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863. Paroled there, sick in hospital. Died of disease, July 25, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #259, listed Samuel M. Tyr, age 30, wife Harriett, using post office at Woodlawn.

JAMES M. VENABLE (Captain). Military records contain this information: J. M. Venable enlisted as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. B, 16th Regiment, July 17, 1861. Elected Captain September 14, 1862. Family records indicate that he was a purchasing agent for the Confederate Army. He became ill, came home, and died in 1862. Family records also explain the confusion concerning his middle name/initial. They state that his middle name was Moorman, but that most who heard that name thought they were hearing Norman. Some records list him as James M., others as James N. Venable. His gravestone in the Venable Family Cemetery reads: J. M. Venable, 1822 -1862. Murray County Census 1860 lists him as James M., age 37, wife Martha, using post office at Spring Place.

WILLIAM JOHN WADE (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1861. Killed at Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia, June 27, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John Wade, Private, enlisted as Private, May 6, 1863, Co B, 3rd Battalion, Georgia Infantry. Transferred to Co. B, 37th Infantry Regiment Georgia. On post duty Atlanta, Georgia April 1, 1864. Murray County Census 1860, lists William J. Wade, age 15, in home of Henry and Mary Wade, using post office at Holly Creek.

BENJAMIN H. WALKER (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Wounded at Manassas, Virginia, during fighting August 28-30, 1862. Died of wounds 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Benjamin H. Walker, enlisted as Private, Company C, 11th Infantry, July 3, 1861. Died from wounds September 1, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #816, lists Benjamin Walker, age 28, wife Sarah, using post office at Conasauga.

MARTIN WEBSTER (Sergeant). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease 1861. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Martin Webster, Sergeant, enlisted December 12, 1861, Company E, 60th Ga. Died of pneumonia near Savannah, Georgia July 27, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #696, listed Martin, age 19, in household of Margret Webster, using post office at Fancy Hill.

M. W. WELCH (Private). Service began November 1861. First known as Company C, 3rd Confederate, then reorganized into Company F, 3rd Confederate, Whorton Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Killed at Mill Springs, Kentucky, January 19, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Thought to have been from Murray County.

NICHOLAS ALEXANDER WHISENAUNT (Private). Military service records contain this information: Nicholas A. Whisenaunt enlisted as Private in Co. B, 10th Regiment Ga. State Troops, January 3, 1862. Mustered out May 1862. Enlisted as Private in Co. A, 34th Regiment Ga. Infantry, May 15, 1862. Died of disease at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 15, 1862. Murray County Census 1850, visitation #1418, lists Alexander Whisenaunt, age 10, in home of Henry and Rebecca Whisenaunt.

FRANCIS MARION WHITE (Sergeant). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Killed at Manassas, Virginia in fighting August 28-30, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: F. M. White, Sergeant, Company E, 60th Ga. Killed at 2nd Manassass, Virginia, 1862. Murray County Census 1850 lists Francis M. White, age 5, in home of Thomas T. and Mary White.

J. MELVIN WHITE (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Manassas, Virginia, in fighting August 28-30, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: none found. Murray County Census 1850 lists J. M. White, in home of Daniel and Sarah White.

GEORGE W. WHITECOTTON (Sergeant, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant). Service began June 1861. Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Killed at Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: George W. Whitecotton, enlisted as 1st Sergeant, Company B, 3rd Battalion Infantry Regiment Georgia June 13, 1861. Promoted to Full Junior 2nd Lieutenant December 25, 1861. Transferred to Company A, 37th Infantry Regiment Georgia May 6, 1863. Promoted to Full 2nd Lieutenant June 24, 1864. Killed at Franklin, Tennessee November 3, 1864/ Murray County Census 1860, visitation 52, lists G. W. Whitecotton, age 37, wife Mary, using post office at Spring Place.

JOHN E. WHITTEN (Private). Military service records contain this information: John Whitten, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B., 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, August 1, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 8, 1863. Died July 15, 1863. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #958, lists John E. Whitten, age 18, in home of A. J. and Mary Whitten, using post office at Cohutta Springs.

WILLIAM W. WILKINS (2nd Lieutenant). Service began September 1861. Company E, 60th Georgia Lawton's Brigade. Died from disease 1862. Military service records: W. W. Wilkins, 2nd Lieutenant, Company I, 60th Georgia Brigade. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #158, lists: W. W. Wilkins, age 24, in home of Martha Wilson, using post office at Spring Place.

GEORGE W. WILLIAMS (Private). Service began July 1861. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1861. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: George W. Williams, Private, Enlisted July 3, 1861, Company C, 11th Infantry. Died of disease in camp near Fairfax, Virginia, September 22, 1861. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #24, lists him as George W. Williams, age 22, using post office at Spring Place.

NATHAN J. WILLIAMS (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Nathan J. Williams, enlisted as Private, Company D, 22nd Ga, August 3, 1862. Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #340, lists Nathan Williams, age 19, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES M. WILLIAMSON (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Killed at Knoxville, Tennessee, probably in November 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: James M. Williamson, Private, Company A, 39th Ga. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #407, lists James Williamson, 23, wife Eliza, using post office at Rock Creek.

ALEXANDER W. WOOD (Corporal). Military service records contain this information: Alexander Wood enlisted as Private, Co K, 14th Ga. Volunteer Infantry (Etowah Guards), July 9, 1861. Appointed Corporal. Killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 27, 1862. One of three brothers who died in the war: Alexander, Andrew, and Jasper Wood. Murray County Census 1860 lists Alexander W. Wood, age 19, in home of Charles and Nancy Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

ANDREW J. WOOD (Private). Military service records contain this information: Andrew J. Wood enlisted as Private, Co. D, 22nd Regiment Georgia, July 12, 1862. Missing at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. No later record. Assumed to have died in the war. One of three brothers who died in the war: Alexander, Andrew, and Jasper Wood. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #449, lists Andrew J. Wood, age 17, in home of Charles and Nancy Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

GREENBERRY WOOD (Private). Co. A, 39th Infantry Regiment). Military service records contain this information: Greenberry Wood enlisted as Private, Co. A, 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry (Cohutta Guards). Died while a prisoner-of-war at Camp Douglas, Illinois, December 17, 1864. Three brothers died while serving: Greenberry, Jacob, and John Wood. Murray County Census of 1860 lists Greenbery (could be Greenberg) Wood, age 14, in home of Robert and Martha Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

JACOB L. WOOD (Private). (Co. K, 14th Georgia Volunteer Infantry). Military service records contain this information: Jacob L. Wood, enlisted as Private, Co. K, 14th Georgia Volunteer Infantry (Etowah Guards), at Spring Place, Georgia, March 1, 1862. Killed at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. Three brothers died while serving: Greenberry, Jacob, and John Wood. Murray County Census 1860 lists: Jacob L. Wood, age 16, in home of Robert and Martha Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

JAMES K. WOOD (Private). Military service records contain this information: J. Wood, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as Private, Co. B, 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers, February 11, 1864. Died of disease at Atlanta, Georgia, June 24, 1864. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery. Unit Roster listed this man as J. K. Wood. James had a brother, Silas William, who also died in the war. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #733, lists James Wood, age 17, in home of Samuel and Elisabeth Wood using post office at Fancy Hill.

JASPER N. WOOD (Private). Found no records in Murray County Courthouse. Military service records contain this information: Jasper N. Wood, enlisted Private January 12, 1863, Company D, 22nd Ga Regiment. Wounded at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, February 5, 1865. Died of wounds at Jackson Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, March 9, 1865. One of three brothers who died in the war: Alexander, Andrew, and Jasper Wood. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #449, lists Jasper N. Wood, age 15, in household of Charles and Nancy Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

JOHN M. WOOD (Corporal). Military service records contain this information: John Wood, of Murray County, Georgia, enlisted as 3rd Corporal, Co. D, 22nd Infantry Regiment, September 3, 1861. Promoted to Full 2nd Lieutenant, August 6, 1862. Died April 29, 1864 in Virginia. Unit roster listed this man as John M. Wood. Three brothers died while serving: Greenberry, Jacob, and John Wood. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #366, lists John Wood, age 12, in home of Robert and Martha Wood, using post office at Rock Creek.

SILAS WILLIAM WOOD (Private). Company B 37th Ga. 4th Ga. Brigade. Service began June 1864. Killed at Jonesborough. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Silas W. Wood, service began June 1864, Co. A, 37th Ga. Infantry, Killed at Jonesborough, Ga. September 1, 1864. Silas William had a brother, James, who also died in the war. Murray County Census 1850 lists William Wood, age 22, in home of Samuel & Elisabeth Wood, using post office at Fancy Hill.

JOHN S. WOODARD (Private). Service began February 1862. Company C, 11th Infantry, Anderson Brigade. Died of disease 1862. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: John S. Woodard, Private, Company C, 11th Infantry. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #339, lists John Woodward, age 17, in household of William and Mary Woodard, using post office at Rock Creek.

ABNER J. YANCY (Private). Service began March 1862. Company A 39th Ga. Cummings Volunteers. Killed at Jonesborough, Georgia, during fighting August 31 - September 1, 1864. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Abner J. Yancy, enlisted as 1st Lieutenant, Company A, 39th Ga., February 25, 1862. Killed at Jonesborough, Georgia, August 31, 1864. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #462, lists A. J. Yancy, age 27, wife Mary, using post office at Rock Creek.

BARTON J. YEARWOOD (Private). Service began August 1861. Company D, 22nd Ga Brigade, Wrights. Died from fever 1861. Preceding was copied from records in Murray County Courthouse, with spelling of battles and place names corrected as needed and dates of engagements added. Military service records contain this information: Barton J. Yearwood, enlisted as Private, September 13, 1861, Company D, 22nd Ga. Died of fever at Richmond, Virginia, December 21, 1861. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Section B, Number 108, Richmond, Virginia. Murray County Census 1860, visitation #630, lists him as Bartty, age 35, in household of Christine Yearwood, using post office at Hasslers Mills.

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