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The Library of Congress has more than 1100 original photographs taken 1861-1865 showing military personnel, preparations for battle, and battle after-effects, along with pictures of many (not all) Union and Confederate officers.

Some 250 of the pictures have been downloaded to this museum website for easier access. Easy to browse! When you see a picture that interests you, just hover your mouse over that picture. This will cause a few words to appear temporarily, telling you what the picture is of. If the info provided doesn't satisfy you, please do not email the museum to ask for more. We have no info beyond what you see for each picture. You can click on any photo to cause an enlarged version to appear on your screen. When you want to continue looking through the collection, just click your back-page arrow, to return to the thumb-nail photos.

The Library of Congress's entire collection can be accessed at by clicking on this link, you will leave the Murray Museum website.

white-house-batt AlexandriaRoundhouse CapitolTrinityChurch ArlingtonHouse ArlingtonHouse1
VirginiaStateHouse AntietamTree AppomattoxCH AppomattoxTavern CharlestonFortSumter4
DunkerMaster ArlingtonHouseMcDowell ColdHarborBones WashingtonMonumentTroops OConnorHouse_Charleston
BelleIsle GettysburgSeminary TrossellHouse FStreet HarpersFerry1
StoneHouse CampCalifornia AlexandriaSoldiersCemetary ChainBridge2 The Union Arch Bridge
Charleston223 CampCulpeper CapitolConstruction Embalming VACapitolAmericanFlag
Charleston_GovHouse ChainBridge WilliamJohnson Charleston518 Charleston452
Charleston477 BryanHouse Charleston657 Charleston689 TredegarRuins
GrantCityPointHQ2 CharlestonFortSumter3 ConfederateGraves CornwallisCave Charleston_StMichaels
ChristChurchAlexandria CityHotel CityPointOffices CivilWarMusic ConfederateBattleMonument
ColdHarborBones2 ColoredTroopsDutchGap ConfedWinterCampCenreville DRMillerHouse DukeStreetFortification
DunlopHousePetersburg whereReynoldsFell k04286u Emmitsburg-MtStMarys EntranceToMinePetersburg
GettyGateHouse24mb Dunker Sumter FairfaxSeminaryAlexandria FordsTheater
FordsTheaterBalcony FordsTheatre FortSumter SlaveDealersAlexandria SlaughterPenClose
FortStevensCemetary FairfaxChurch Georgetown3 GettysburgAddress FtStevens2
FredericksburgRuins FortCFSmith GeorgetownFerry Grant2 GrandReviewOfTheArmy
FortTotten Fredericksburg Fredericksburg-Dr GrantColdHarbor2 Fredericksburg_SunkenRoad
FtStevens SignalCorpsGeorgetown GadsbysTavern GainesMill GettysburgSnipertif
Georgetown2 GettysburgDead PetersburgDead PetersburgDead1 PetersburgDead2
PetersburgDead3 GettysburgSanitaryComm GrantHQCityPoint GrantMeadeLookAtMap BloodyLane2
GreatFalls Sherman GravesAtBurnsideBridge GrantStaffCityPoint k01342v
MarketHouseCharleston HarpersFerry2 HangingCapHill Open-Graves Adjusting-The-Noose
HangingConsipirators HarpersFerry4 RichmondCapitol GrantStaffCityPointBig StonewallShrine
TredegarRuins2 TheMonitor WoundedOfWilderness2 TheDictator JohnBottsHouseCulpeper
HanoverJunction JohnLBurns BridgeNorthAnnaRiver IroncladStonewall_Capitol k04147v
UnburiedDeadWilderness SurrattHouse SudleyFord JamesRiver JohnLBurnsHouse
LeeHQGetty StPaulsChurch2 LeeHouseRichmond2 Lincoln2ndInaugural SlaughterPentif
LibbyPrison MarshallHouse LookingAtGraves LincolnFirstInauguration LittleRoundTop
whiteHouseConfederacy SumnerWarrenton QuartermasterGeneralOffice MaryesHouse LeeHouseRichmond
McClellanLincoln MeadeHQGettysburg MonumentalChurchRichmond MeadeGrantMassaponax MeadeCulpeper
IncidentsOfWar NegrosFollersHouseCumberlan LiveryStables MovedGuy NewCommisaryGeneralPrisonst
NewLeesHQ_Gburg SevenPines2 RichmondWashingtonMonument OldNationalMall OrphanAsylum_Charleston
NewBloodyLane WashingtonMonumentStump whitesHouseGettysburg WoundedOfWilderness PetersburgCourthouse
BatteryRogers PamunkeyRiver3 ProvostMarshal3rdArmyCorpsM PamunkeyRiver2 PamunkeyRiver
RichmondWashingtonMon RichmondMainStreet PetersburgTrench RichmondCityHallTroops QuakerGuns
QuarlesMillNorthAnnaRiver RichmondCapitol2 SlaughterPen SevenPines1 SanitaryCommission
StPaulsChurch StonewallBrigadeAntietam SoldiersBathingFredericksbu StPaulsChurch FtStevens
StonewallBrigadeAntietam McLeanHouse McLeanHouse FortPulaski CharlestonFortSumter2
CapitolDome CharlestonFortSumter1 RobertELeePosingRichmond LeeAndSon2 LeeAndSon
LeeChair GrantColdHarbor Grant Jackson8 Jackson6
Longstreetb longstreet long3 long1 Sherman2
McClellan Stuart Meade Lincoln Lincoln1
Mosby Chaimberlain JeffersonDavis Marmaduke Garfield
Sickles Hancock2 HancockBest Steinwehr Hooker
Gordon2 Slocum Forrest KirbySmith Pickett
Hampton Beauregard Burnside Hunt Armistead
Pleasonton Huger Sedgwick Sibley Green
Ord Robertson Kilpatrick McDowell Custer2
Booth Johnston Butler Buford Ewell
Wilcox AS_Johnston Pope Bragg Gordon
AP_Hill Anderson Haupt Hood PvtFrancisBrownell
pow-1c PrivateEdwinFrancisJemison pow-1c    

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